Experience with Senior Life ?

I changed my mind about adding info to people asking for it. You've never changed your mind before? Why on earth are you picking over something so insignificant?
The tone of your post sounds rather hostile. Not sure why you act so bitter. Hope your day improves. Go write an app....your bitterness will turn into happiness.
Unbelievable, you are mentally handicapped for real! Did I initiate a conversation with you? NO, I did not! You initiated a conversation with me, to which I responded. Play games with your kids, not me.
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Not all companies want you to sign people up nor do they want you send your business only to them If you choose to do so, they don't object but they don't push it. I have gone to a lot of company meetings where companies have acknowledged that the agent is going to put business elsewhere and even discussed the advantages of doing so..

I meant to sign more clients up not agents. And they do want you to write policies.

I disagree with a company not wanting you to write as much of the profitable policies as you can with them.

I can for sure see a company meeting talking about the advantages of people not placing certain policies with them.

Like if the company rolled out a GI policy to entice agents to write their A paper.

Once they had enough agents writing their A paper they would talk about increasing their B paper rates. Or the advantages of not having the policies written with them. Letting the product go all together.

They for sure acknowledge that agents are going to write with multiple companies.

There are huge national conventions that these corporations go to. Companies go up on stage and discuss the policies they have. They go over what's on their applications. The advantages of certain trends and popular products. Actuaries talk about stats.

I guarantee that every company would dream of having a field force out there selling only their most profitable products. And as much of it as possible.

Or even better they would love to be able to have the clients go direct to them and cut out the middle man.

No matter what. There is only one thing that matters. Profitablity.

Some companies go about it different ways. Frankly I prefer like you said. The companies talking about about the advantages of sending business to them. Not pushing it but being super grateful when you even turn in one app.

Class acts.

I think the problem is at the imo level. The captivity of agents. Wanting your agents to only write with the companies they have. Wanting an override on every app you turn in.

That amplifies the problem big time. An imo being able to term you for any reason. And decide what debt to put on your vector. And when you can be released. A bad imo can can sour the taste of any company. But more so Lincoln and senior Life because most their imos only work with just them.

Normally a bad imo that worked with 10 companies and was bunk, the badness would be spread out. With senior the imos are literally called vps and partners. So if you have a bunk vp and and some partners, it's more like it's the actual company and not the imos.
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The worse part is these slime balls that write SL in my area write nearly everyone who smokes NT. Just replaced another one today that was issued level and for COPD and written NT.
Now they're touting 150% street ?
After watching the short clip,look at the first comment.

The worse part is these slime balls that write SL in my area write nearly everyone who smokes NT. Just replaced another one today that was issued level and for COPD and written NT.
Now they're touting 150% street ?
After watching the short clip,look at the first comment.

Greg might should start looking for another company. Bontell's crowning achievements are Foresight and Settlers. :yes:
The worse part is these slime balls that write SL in my area write nearly everyone who smokes NT. Just replaced another one today that was issued level and for COPD and written NT.
Now they're touting 150% street ?
After watching the short clip,look at the first comment.

Oh, man! Just when we thought 2021 couldn't be weirder than last year! THE RETURN OF BONTELLIVISION!:D
Why are you guys always so negative up here? You all sound so bitter about the carriers. There is no perfect carrier for everyone. If there was, all the agents would flock to that carrier like white on rice and then these other carriers would leave the FE arena because they lost all their agents and had zero production coming in.

This forum was designed, I'm guessing here, to be a place to share ideas on how to make more income faster and to do a little socializing. Over the last 8 years this place has become a place for people to criticize others and for the unsuccessful to pound their chests and pretend to be successful.

This place has become like the wild, wild west. There's a gun fight every week in front of the saloon...lol.