- 1,930
I do not think that is snarky and if it drives away potential members so be it. They may not be worth having. You have threads on almost every topic and it seems that some new participants are TOO LAZY to look for themselves. If I come on here and ask where to buy E&O when that subject has been discussed a dozen times I think that I am just lazy and want everything placed right in front of me. If my telling them to search causes them to drop out they are not going to make it in this business.
Well maybe the owners of the site don't want you driving away potential members. Sounds like you could give a crap though.
E&O is a great example. Where to buy E&O in 2008 is totally different than 2011. Things change, new perspectives are added by new members. Lots of reasons to have a fresh thread on a topic rather than using old info. And new members may not know about the "search" feature. A better idea would be for you to just pass over a thread you think has been discussed enough and you have no interest in and leave the rest to discuss if we want. If you can't do it seek help. ha. You don't have to be part of every conversation.
I know you are in a bad mood because the Colts won a game risking that #1 pick.