Frank Stastny - RIP

Please excuse any typos in my post seems I had something in my eye.

It was kind of you to share your thoughts with us at such a sad time in your life. Many will miss Frank, but none more than you.

From the many comments here you can take great pride that your husband was so well regarded. In this day of internet communication, it is amazing how many of us meet and relate, having never had the opportunity of seeing each other face to face.

I am one of those that never had the opportunity to meet Frank face to face, but can recall more than one conversation. I clearly remember his energy and enthusiasm for his business and his great work ethic. In that regard, he was a great role model for us all.

It is clear in reading the postings of so many here that he was generous with his time and willingness to be of help to others. I recall that same generosity in our conversations.

It sounds like Frank was active and working hard to the end. For that there is much to be thankful for.
I always took to heart anything Frank said and like everyone else, I will miss Him. May God bless his wife and family. See you on the other side Frank!!!
I feel so bad for sounding selfish in any way but, I feel lost and shocked here.

I just purchased Frank's software and was in the beginning stages of getting contracted. Frank and I were set to do our 3 hour training session within the week.

I have absolutely no idea what to do now or how to learn to sell med supps over the phone. I feel horrible thinking of myself right now and please let me contribute by saying Frank was great. I spoke with him 3 times and he was super nice and he really helped me make up my mind to sell med supps.

But the sad part is he sold himself. Med supps aren't the reason I wanted to sell med supps you know? He made me feel like he would guide me the best way possible and I would have true success with him. Now that he is gone I feel like a new forum member all over again. Discovering insurance with no guidance and trying to figure it all out.

RIP Frank. Only knew you on the forums but you sure did seem like a great guy. Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
R.I.P....... Frank
You'll be missed, thanks for your input.
I'm glad to have 'known' you in the limited capacity of this forum but that was enough to say you were the type of guy, I'm happy to have shared this Earth with.

Thanks Again,
Now that he is gone I feel like a new forum member all over again. Discovering insurance with no guidance and trying to figure it all out.

There are plenty of people here willing to share. Frank was too big to be replaced by one person, so it will be a team effort to help those who want to learn the business.
RIP Frank.

He was truly a legend on this forum. He introduced me to working a T-67 list over a T-65 list (which I now tell agents who I work with to do the same). I used to kid that the T67 list was the Frank list.

Thank you Frank for all you have done. His family and friends are in my prayers.
I just joined the forum and always made a point to read Franks' posts. He will be missed. A legend in and out of the profession.
OK... my turn.... I waited until the truth of this tradgic event had time to settle in...

Frank and I spoke on many occasions and he always said to me that I could not write or spell, so the missspellings in this post are in honor of him..

We used to talk about a talent we both posessed... the ability to give good..... phone.... you cant learn that, you are born with it..... he had it and was blessed because that ability is the single most powerfull ability a man can have if he is doing phone apps.

although I somewhat disagreed withthe hucking of contracts on this forum, he was the one peoson I knew that had a good heart in doing it.

I rarely posted in the senior forum, I only read to learn and i learned the most from his comments... he was a student of the game with matters regarding medicare and seniors.... now who will fill the void... its time for folks like ggordon and rick, as well as others to take the torch and carry on. they need to know their are those of us that could work circles around them on the indy health market but we are just not as experienced in the senior market... guys, please lead us..

lastly, god speed frank, we will miss you... or I will miss you!
There are few, if any, that have touched so very many in such marked ways as Frank did on this forum.

I had the honor of speaking with Frank for many hours on the phone. Learned a great deal from him and we were friends from the first contact. Although I know I was one of hundreds or thousands of agents who had the same experience, he always made you feel in every phone call that you were the most important item of business in his life at that moment. Truly a special guy who will be missed by his immediate family; and his Insurance Forum Family as well.

When you spoke to Frank he seemed almost immortal, and his many teachings will certainly be that. We will carry on for you Frank Stastny, as you RIP Sir. Thank you for the time, effort and knowledge that you shared with me personally. And to Mrs Stastny, thank you for sharing your wonderful man with so many of us. We all wish you much comfort in getting through this difficult time ahead. God speed.