
New Member
Many of you are frustrated at what is happening. You should be. Many of you don’t understand how we got here and why regulations and policy happens the way it does. I have been trying to educate you all because if you can understand it, then WE have the ability to change things. YOU DO HAVE A VOICE. You do have the ability to affect change and show the good we do in the community and how much we are valued.

Now is the time to get involved. Learn how this Industry works. Get involved with your professional organizations like National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals - NABIP. There’s a reason why all doctors are a part of the American Medical Association and good lawyers are a part of the Bar Association. Standing idly by and watching things happen from the sidelines is no longer an option!

You have ideas and concerns, express them! Use this link: [EXTERNAL LINK] - Your Voice Matters

To get involved, join Nabip at [EXTERNAL LINK] - NABIP | Join Now ! They have local chapters all over the country and a Capital Conference in February that I think WE ALL SHOULD BE AT! There’s power in numbers.

If NABIP doesn’t turn you on (use the link above to tell us why) then consider HAFA or NAIFA! I don’t care how you get involved, but step to the plate and do something!