- 31,003
I know. It's popular to hate Trump and he gets bashed 24/7 by 90% of the media and other than him getting pissed now and then, it doesn't seem to phase him. He feeds on the attacks.A passive-aggressive beauty?
North Korea is a tar baby. That said, I think Trump will get himself out it better than most simply because while he craves attention, he seems immune to negative feedback.
One of the many things I'm getting to love about my President is that he shoots from the hip. I love the Tweeting because it's the only way we can see what he REALLY says, because I've watched the media(except for Fox)twist things Trump's said or out right make things up. Sometimes I cringe at some of the stuff he Tweets. I just wsh he'd take a deep breath before he hits send. But overall, just like on the Forum, I enjoy the controversy.

I keep expecting Trump to tell Kim Jong Un, "Little Rocket Man...YOU'RE FIRED you little sumbitch!!!"