How My 4.1% Life Insurance Lead Works [Lead Sample Attached]

Teaching them to work their book. Guys like you make it tougher for guys like me. I count on the one and done salesmen for my inventory.

I have a quote sheet, but mostly just jot notes as to family, retirement, beneficiary info and so on. Do you a form or track for your notes?

I get weird stuff like is a Marine veteran, die hard 49ers fan, into fishing, daughter is married to a contractor. Has single mom daughter. When I talk to them years later I drop little familiar bits into the conversation. Like old buddies.
This comes back to the thread topic of "touching" your old clients, whether it be through mail, phone or good old fashioned door knock. Instead of just coming back with the old standby - Life Insurance, I come in with other ways to literally put money in their pocket and help demystify the monstrosity that is health insurance. The fact is that as confusing as it is for a "highly" trained agent to wrap their hands around this, it's even more confusing for the beneficiary.

I/we will never replace guys like you because most agents are too impatient to ask all those extra questions, record them and refer to them at a later date. The difference with health, and it's a huge one, is that this isn't a one and done deal. You are expected to follow up and support your sale, hence the great back-end income. Everyone says that they can handle that but the proof is in the pudding.

There will be 50% more seniors on Medicare within 15 years. Believe me mate, the one and done agents are just getting started, your inventory is safe :D
This is awesome! Back in the day you could get good info like this in the FE forum. Knuckles that simply tried to recruit got ran off. Then we went through the "dark" years where if you weren't pumping my IMO (and of course this led to conflict because there are a handful of prominent companies) then you got ran off. So much drama.
As I remember most if it started with FEX but the funny thing is it wasn't FEX against the world ( meaning they didn't fight others imo anymore than the competing imo fought them) it was FEX defectors fighting against their top guys. So much drama in those messes combined with the usual and the way of the jungle became constant fighting and no assistance.

I am sure someone may correct me in this but the bottom line is... Let's agree to share ideas and make some money. I am involved in so much business relationship and friendships that I would have never found it it wasn't for the forum

Just read this and liked the heck out of it. New here and I'm hear to learn what I can and be part of passing anything helpful along (with some fun along the way). My suggestion is that if any of they past starts showing up again you shut it down ASAP.

I wish I would have been hear years ago!