How My 4.1% Life Insurance Lead Works [Lead Sample Attached]

Pro Tip - 99% of handwritten plain envelopes with a live, first-class stamped get opened. Compare that with probably half or more of "junk-mail" looking pieces getting chucked.
I've used SOC for years with their pre-printed font. It's not cursive, but it's designed to look hand-written. I get a lot of compliments on my hand-writing. My hand-writing is so good I could be a doctor!
Greetings and salutations,

In the spirit of giving that has overcome the Final Expense Forum as of late, I feel obligated to continue "paying forward" my success with an unusual lead piece I developed that's helped me get some nice sales over the past few months.

Example results from the mailer:

1) I've placed roughly 20000AP since last I began using this lead last month, generated from a total of 57 leads.

2) Next week or the week after, I'll submitting a $10k to $15k AP term policy (admittedly long-shot chance for approval, but worth mentioning) generated from this mailer.

How this final expense life insurance lead works.

Important - in order to effectively use the lead piece below, you need to have at least 500 clients (or former clients) you've placed life insurance business with.

Why? Because the power of this lead piece is that you are mailing to clients you've previously sold final expense insurance to ONLY.

All marketing gurus will tell you the quality of the list you're mailing to is the primary driver behind the success or failure of a campaign.

And with this lead piece, since you are mailing leads to people who've already bought and trust you, you're very likely to see a much higher response rate (and close rate) relative to mailers sent to a cold list, who've never purchased from you.

Here's the lead I'm using with private information removed:


Lead Concepts showed me and mailed out this mailing campaign for me. They'll do the same if you contact them (no, I don't get paid for the endorsement).

Some last thoughts.

Every final expense agent should make some sort of contact with current (and past) clients within the first 6 to 12 months after placing the original piece of business.

One thing that struck me as strange early on in this business is how many prospects I sold MORE coverage to... that the first agent who placed the original policy, did NOT make the effort to try to place some more!

Why is this? I'm sure the high failure rate is to blame. But many of us are guilty of not going back to clients and seeing if their circumstances have changed.

Unfortunately, if you don't, someone else will help and you'll lose the opportunity to make an easy sale.

Which is why I plan on using the lead above on a continual basis. It keeps me top-of-mind with my clients, and eventually, when the timing is right, they will reply back and ask for my help with another policy.

Hope you found this post helpful.

Solid marketing right here
This is awesome! Back in the day you could get good info like this in the FE forum. Knuckles that simply tried to recruit got ran off. Then we went through the "dark" years where if you weren't pumping my IMO (and of course this led to conflict because there are a handful of prominent companies) then you got ran off. So much drama.
As I remember most if it started with FEX but the funny thing is it wasn't FEX against the world ( meaning they didn't fight others imo anymore than the competing imo fought them) it was FEX defectors fighting against their top guys. So much drama in those messes combined with the usual and the way of the jungle became constant fighting and no assistance.

I am sure someone may correct me in this but the bottom line is... Let's agree to share ideas and make some money. I am involved in so much business relationship and friendships that I would have never found it it wasn't for the forum
Dave, great thread. This is really great practical advice!

This is awesome! Back in the day you could get good info like this in the FE forum. Knuckles that simply tried to recruit got ran off. Then we went through the "dark" years where if you weren't pumping my IMO (and of course this led to conflict because there are a handful of prominent companies) then you got ran off. So much drama.
As I remember most if it started with FEX but the funny thing is it wasn't FEX against the world ( meaning they didn't fight others imo anymore than the competing imo fought them) it was FEX defectors fighting against their top guys. So much drama in those messes combined with the usual and the way of the jungle became constant fighting and no assistance.

I am sure someone may correct me in this but the bottom line is... Let's agree to share ideas and make some money. I am involved in so much business relationship and friendships that I would have never found it it wasn't for the forum
I agree & hope the moderators will look at this time as an opportunity to help us all keep it clean. All it takes is a few NAA agents to come on here and we're all back to fighting. We need the mods to throw out suspensions & bans to those who don't keep this great culture.
Great idea Dave, now how about telling them that you can help them with their Medicare questions too? Too many agents are walking out of houses lacking the knowledge to answer questions about something most seniors are dying to get help with.
I have long considered getting MA appointed but always hesitate following through.

Great idea Dave, now how about telling them that you can help them with their Medicare questions too? Too many agents are walking out of houses lacking the knowledge to answer questions about something most seniors are dying to get help with.
Great idea Dave, now how about telling them that you can help them with their Medicare questions too? Too many agents are walking out of houses lacking the knowledge to answer questions about something most seniors are dying to get help with.

I sent a letter out to some of my clients right before AEP a couple years ago. I got a handful of of sales. Definitely worth doing. I also picked up some extra life sales from people that just wanted to add

The one thing I wouldn't recommend doing is saying anything related to ma/pd. People have no clue the difference between Medicare supplement and advantage. They all call it sup or secondary.
Obviously there's way more than getting appointed for MA and Med Supp only but it's absolutely worth it. Understanding the compliance is the tricky part but once you know the rules there's plenty more to be made.

I have trained dozens of experienced FE agents how to do it now, and can confidently say it's very doable. When selling an additional one app per week can earn you 10k+ in renewals what's to lose?