How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Yet here you are calling homosexuality a sin.. show me where it specifically states that in your book of fairytales.

Romans 1 among others, Rev has several ref and there are a few other ref in the new testament

Now without said, Remember when we say the law of mosses, we understand we are not talking about the moral law that was before the law of mosses nor the law that is in the conscience as spoken of in romans
You have a problem with all this because you're not a Christian.
I guess I'm not a Christian as I take issue with people who sleep around while their wife's at home with their new child, and also with people that have bone spurs, or can regrow an ear faster than a salamander.
Ahhh yes, because on Feb. 26, 2020, everybody was fully aware of what COVID was and what it was going to do. As I said, I'm embarrassed for some of you.
The Bob Woodward phone call with Trump happened on Feb 7, 2020. Trump knew exactly how dangerous the Covid virus would be.
Who sins every day, ? What are you basing your judgment on?

and why do you say I am picking on gays?

Where do you think I am singling them out, I do not ever say they are more guilty then an adulterer or another thing
Here you are calling homosexuality a sin.

Your an I D I O T bro. Stack her credentials against your intelligence and you’d be picking up trash on the side of the highway.

Thats hilarious
Bak on ignore geesh 🤮

Oh no… please don’t ignore me. Im devastated.
Please explain I am not at all understanding your objection

What is it you are trying to say that makes you feel you have rebutted anything I said?

Just spit balling here, but my guess is he accused me of saying it so I asked him to show me where I said it. He then quoted you thinking he had me in a "gotcha" moment.

I guess details and accuracy aren't really his thing.

Let's assume for a moment you were right (you aren't), is that something to make light of? Somebody tried to kill a former president and the current presidential nominee of the Republican party. I'd be just as pissed if someone "shot at" Biden, Kamala or any public figure. We've all seen the image of the vapor trail of the bullet. We all saw the video and heard the gunshots and watched Trump put his hand to his head. He was clearly hit. Three others were shot and one of them died. But let's make light of him "supposedly" not being hit by the bullet.

You are exactly what's wrong with this country. Wouldn't surprise me if you are one of the idiots posting stuff on social media wishing the shooter hadn't missed. All of you can miss me with the "time to tone things down" talk.