How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Why is that? did you not see how Trump and gang pointed a riled up mob of supporters toward capital building on the day of the electoral count after his vice president refused to go along with plan.That was not a spontaneous protest that was an orchestrated coup attempt on live TV
That's as asinine as me blaming Biden for "putting Trump in the bullseye." Or doing anything to stop the "threat to democracy."

Not Biden's fault.
Not Trump's fault.

Crazy idea - how about we simply blame people who, I don't know, do bad things? No, that's too radical.
On a scale 1 to 10 how worried are you that some big change happens in the next 4 years?
A zero for me. But you may be asking the wrong guy.

1st. I've been doing this stuff for over 50 years. I could stop tonight if I wanted to.

And 2nd. The word worry is not even in my vocabulary. If the sky falls tomorrow, I'm the kind of person that would say Screw it. I'm going to Hollywood.

Don't worry about the changes. And there will be changes. Big ones and little ones.

Two quick words of advice.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

And get up every morning and go to work like a two year old wearing a Bat Man T-shirt.