
There are definitely more blondes here than elsewhere, except Scandinavia maybe.We are gradually getting more hispanics, but still very few black folks.

I hate it when you write out an entire post....then reread it and know how absolutely bad it sounds and delete it...being PC sux...
I think it depends on the area. I have only mailed 1 drop that said life insurance. Got about 7/10 of 1% return on that one. I have mailed enough of the E-64's and the E-258's to come to the conclusion that not saying life insurance is better. My average return rate is around 1.8%. In the area's that I work most of the people know what it is for. I would say maybe 20% don't know. Why the E-64's and E-258's are better is it gets you in front of the people with the wrong kind of insurance. Love it when I ask who do you have your insurance with now? Uh I think its called Global or something like that:biggrin: Had a Stonebridge Life the other day. Just my opinion but I think that is the main benefit of not saying life insurance.
There is more to it than picking a lead and mailing to $15-50k in income. You have to target your market to your end customer. FE is sold more to African Americans and Hispanics. This group has the largest response rate. In my experience 90% of the responses are from this group. So mailing to an area that has 70% Caucasians will waste 70% of the Cost of the mailing as only 5-10% of the responses will be caucasion, in my experience. I use a very qualified piece with Life Insurance plastered all over it. The mailer is custom and I eliminate Caucasians from the mail list. Chris/LeadConnections.com will charge you $15/1000 more on the mailer, but you save about $230/1000 not mailing to people that will not return the DM piece. I have found that targeting by race, income and ages have increased responses on a tight lead by 50-100% in areas with 40-70% caucasians. Lee, Chris at LC has all my pieces and I would be happy to share with you, contact me to discuss further or call me at the office anytime.

I've seen many FE mailer trends come and go on this forum. First it's popular for the lead to not say life insurance. Then it's popular to say life insurance. Then it swings back. Some mail to only women. Some mail to only diabetics. Some mail to only veterans. Some use pink cards. Others use only green cards. The trends come and go.

But racial profiling to exclude Caucasians is all new to me. It might be regional but plenty of Caucasians are buyers around here. But you might be on to something. Maybe Chris will do set price leads for less than $20 if we exclude those free-loading, non-responder caucasians.