Millenial Liberator- Really?

Ramiz...I know haven't said a word about you con artists in months!!! But can you please have Rachel, your wife, stop trolling me on social media since I have you and Vinny blocked? It's weird bro. Stay in your lane. I had to block her yesterday for following my page. Do I have to block your kids too? haha The only thing I do is call your bullshit to unsuspecting agents. How do you sleep at night not ONLY keeping the entire $60 policy fee...starting new agents at 40% and NOW not giving them renewals until they write enough in a quarter that hardly any of your agents write to get to 50%? That's pretty messed up. Even for you bro. Let's not brag too much either. You simply took over from Dan Roberts the pioneer in FE telesales. You only took the baton. You and Vinny...your partner. Who moved out to Dallas and open and closed a call center in 1 year? That has to be a record. Yet, didn't you brag Vinny is a beast on the phones?? LOL. Now go on...take advantage of Ms Edna. We all know, these agents bounce around talking crap about their previous home but never take any accountability for their own failure. You know that. Don't play that "I will make you rich since your previous upline robbed you" bullshit.

Same with you, please stop looking up my profile on Linkedin every week. It's so weird bro.
Ooooooh Columbo. With this weird "hatred" you seem to have, you're not understanding much. Now sloooooow down son. Breeeeeeeeathe. I said you just had to ask for the facts? Do you get you also get your political facts from CNN and MSNBC? :) Let me go ahead right your wrongs honey. GPM now offers telesales. Golden Heritage owns the exclusive to it. Lauro Herrera and I are the only ones who can offer the contracts for their telesales side. We are not "partners" Nancy Drew. He has his agents, they do their own leads, they have their own way of doing their system etc... Nothing we have together accept the exclusive to this awesome product. So there ya go. I'm busted. Millenial works with/for Lauro from what I think...THINK I undertsand. See how I said "think". Because I don't if it's fact or not you turd brain. You really have a lot of time on your hands while you play keyboard warrior and hide who you are like a little bitch.
:twitchy:Damn I've missed you DIG!!! You were always one of my favorite posters. You always brighten up my day. :yes:
Ramiz...I know haven't said a word about you con artists in months!!! But can you please have Rachel, your wife, stop trolling me on social media since I have you and Vinny blocked? It's weird bro. Stay in your lane. I had to block her yesterday for following my page. Do I have to block your kids too? haha The only thing I do is call your bullshit to unsuspecting agents. How do you sleep at night not ONLY keeping the entire $60 policy fee...starting new agents at 40% and NOW not giving them renewals until they write enough in a quarter that hardly any of your agents write to get to 50%? That's pretty messed up. Even for you bro. Let's not brag too much either. You simply took over from Dan Roberts the pioneer in FE telesales. You only took the baton. You and Vinny...your partner. Who moved out to Dallas and open and closed a call center in 1 year? That has to be a record. Yet, didn't you brag Vinny is a beast on the phones?? LOL. Now go on...take advantage of Ms Edna. We all know, these agents bounce around talking crap about their previous home but never take any accountability for their own failure. You know that. Don't play that "I will make you rich since your previous upline robbed you" bullshit.

Same with you, please stop looking up my profile on Linkedin every week. It's so weird bro.

I'll be in Columbus next month Todd, as you know I'm from Ohio and still have family there. Would you like to meet up for a quick bite to eat? I'll gladly pay.
Again rouse... don't follow this turds investigation process. There are 2. Millenial is a manager and right hand of Herrera. The lady agent who came on here complaining about him is the ONLY agent ever to have something bad to say about him. She is on the warpath on social media. She even made a comment about him on one of my YouTube videos.

This Rearend person is obviously a newbie struggling in the biz. LOL
Too many characters for an old man to keep up with in this soap opera... :yes: