Need advice on appointment setting

I just hope you don't have a second divorce so you can tell us young guys how to do it! I'm going to be eagerly awaiting all your great advice.
It is clear too me your young, lazy and your wife is the bread winner, please mr snowflake live a few years with life hitting you in the face and come back and post. This has been fun I enjoyed the chat, maybe hit some more threads about abortion and politics clearly you have the time with your light schedule.
Im sorry this stuff just annoys me quite a bit. People who have not done things that tell others to do it. It would be different if this was something that does not affect your life. Working 70 hours a week for a "future wife and kids" is dumb and will destroy you. IB's have died working those hours. People fall asleep at the wheel. There is absolutely zero reason anyone should work 70 hours a week and *** anyone that tells you to.
Your whining like a child man the *** up. Go join the military and stand watch. You need to read what I said I never said 70 hours, i said 60 to 70, which is nothing in the military.
It is clear too me your young, lazy and your wife is the bread winner, please mr snowflake live a few years with life hitting you in the face and come back and post. This has been fun I enjoyed the chat, maybe hit some more threads about abortion and politics clearly you have the time with your light schedule.

This, look at this. This a man pissed off about his own life. Enjoy your 2nd divorce. Maybe you can work 70 hours a week until you are 70?
This, look at this. This a man pissed off about his own life. Enjoy your 2nd divorce. Maybe you can work 70 hours a week until you are 70?
If you say so at least I'm honest. My life is great I barely work because I put in the work early, that has been my point. When your my age and realize being lazy didn't pay off you will understand.
Sub 85 Iq? I apologize you are legitimately retarded. I don't have a wife, I don't have debt, I don't work 60 to 70 hours, I have more in the market than you ever had, I don't believe working a certain number of hours equals success and I also think you are also projecting your own failures as a human being.

I've got plenty of time to argue politics just like people your age on Facebook.
This is why children like you should not be giving advice I have farts that are older than you and have gone through more life than you have. You don't have a wife you don't have kids you don't even know what it's like to actually live as a real man you haven't been hit with the $2500 dental bill from one of your kids and then a $4000 hospital bill but the other for a broken arm you're a child stop giving advice. Side note good for you if you have "money" it will get flushed away with your kids and wife. (In a good way) but you don't know that because you haven't even experienced life yet. You're too childish even except or understand advice from someone older than you that's been through it, you must've missed the point of me admitting to mistakes and things I could've done better, that's called being an adult and a man. Sorry dude I don't argue politics with children you have no idea what you're talking about.
Thank You all for your advice.

i think there is an agent in florida running 15 appts per day, I think doug

Everything you are already doing, is how you find a good appointment setter.

The main problem you have may be that you are in New York. The northerners that live down here are the most demanding and difficult group of people that we sell to. Many Fl agents consider "northerners that move to Fl" a waste of time and try to avoid making presentations to them at all cost.

Are you working direct mail leads? If not, what lead are you handing off to the appointment setters that you've worked with?
I spent 20+ years in the car business back in the days when we worked 60+ hours a week. Most progressive dealerships today cut them back to 40 to 45 hours a week. They realize that salesmen sell better when they are fresh and happy. Working 60 + hours a week in sales is a very quick way to get burnt out to the point of no return. Maybe that's why 95% of the guys who try selling FE quit after 3 months.

I did F&I in Michigan for 6 years and never worked more than 40 hours a week, it was written in my contract. Most F&I managers were working 60+ hours a week. I wrote more business in 40 than 95% of the others wrote working 60.

When your tired it's much easier to accept a no, and just move on to the next one. I have a tendency to treat every no as a $20 dollar bill. Because that's usually what they cost!

Salesmen are like leads. Fresh is best!!!