Need More Traffic

I like the new look as well. nicely done.

your next step is to take the 4 insurance components on your homepage (auto,MC,home,& RV) and create pages/links for each. remember to keep things as short and simple (never confuse the prospect), and include a clear call to action so the customer knows exactly what to do next. a call to action can be a simple contact form, a web form with the customers info needed to run a quote, or a quote engine that does the quoting for you.

hang in there. building and promoting a website is a long ongoing process with constant tweaking. but well worth the time in the long run.
I LOVVEEEE the tactical face palm.

Back to the original poster:

You're website is better now, but it still has a long ways to go before I would ever send a client to it. Having "" listed all over it sends the impression that you are doing so poorly you can't afford to pay the lousy $10 it would cost to keep advertisements off your page. I kid you not,, buy a domain for $10 (or do a transfer) and you get free hosting with one click install of wordpress. If you step up to $10/month in paying for hosting you get plenty of bandwidth for as many visitors as you could imagine having, but truly free hosting is included WITHOUT any ads or plugs for other services.

I would get a separate site for your candles. There is no reason for you to have them linked. Consider it this way: If you're candle website looks much better than your insurance website, which one do you think they'll believe you are more serious about? To take that a step further, they're comparing you to every other website. Why would they want to do business with you and your website when they can easily go to or and get a super friendly site. From what little I know about you it seems like you probably know what you're doing well enough when it comes to insurance, why would you want to cheapen that impression with your website?

That all said, I'm confused. Can you tell me how you have over 20 years of experience and are "just starting out"?
Followed much of this discussion and I have 2 general comments.

First without a landing page that induces someone to take action (phone call or send information), your website is nothing more than an online brochure. Having more traffic without an effective capture strategy is like trying to pour a gallon of water into a thimble and asking for more water.

Second, traffic comes either by paying for it or giving back content that solves problems. You can do any number of paid programs but once the money stops...the traffic stops. Beyond that, if you don't have the first point above sorted out it could be very expensive.

To develop good content, you need to get in the head of someone who needs insurance and figure out questions they would be looking to get answers for on the web. Answer those questions and you'll start to have a website that attracts leads. Add a little geographic info to the site and you have a targeted site where visitors will find you locally.

So to the original question, you have a site and are off to a start but there are many more steps in the journey. Take to heart some of the advice given by these members because much of it is spot on.
Social Media plays a big role in internet marketing and most search engines. So being active in different social media sites is a good way to drive traffic, to be aware of your brand, and to monitor your visitors and customer's needs.
Well it may not be the BEST site, but at least I am trying!!!

I like the site. I have not read through all the replies yet so forgive me if I sound ignorant. My first thoughts are

-it took the site too long to load on my computer, about 5 seconds, because its goes through some uploading process, maybe my browser but just wanted to let you know that
-the site looks like it is not fitting on my screen, I am on a smaller screen but you may want to make sure the site will open and adjust on all sites
-I would link to LinkedIn and Twitter as well on your site. I saw you had Facebook but that may be another avenue to bring people.
-Have you tried to target people using FaceBook Ads yet, maybe worth it.

Ok, all for now. Good Luck!
No need auto insurance.... I can help too.....
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By the way I fixed my website, and I am pleased with it. So you all can say what you like, but I like it!!!

Whether we like something or not is not as important as does it accomplish what we want it to accomplish?