Obama Care Resource

Well, I can sell chit and they aren't releasing any worth while info for WI. So I am going bear hunting. You all have fun, I will talk to you from the cabin.
I was pointed to this forum by one of your community members who had contacted my website and thought some of the tools we had built regarding the exchanges might be useful.

We've built a pretty detailed tool that outlines the different plan, actual rates and availability at the county / zip code level for 11 of the 50 states so far and are adding more daily.

You can browse our available states at valuepenguin.com/ppaca/exchanges/ (It seems that I cant post a link on the forum)

We'd love some feedback regarding what we've provided thus far, and hope the tools are useful to this community.
I was pointed to this forum by one of your community members who had contacted my website and thought some of the tools we had built regarding the exchanges might be useful.

We've built a pretty detailed tool that outlines the different plan, actual rates and availability at the county / zip code level for 11 of the 50 states so far and are adding more daily.

You can browse our available states at valuepenguin.com/ppaca/exchanges/ (It seems that I cant post a link on the forum)

We'd love some feedback regarding what we've provided thus far, and hope the tools are useful to this community.

As a commercial P & C agent who's just been in the "read mode" on here for the last month (i.e. not educated enough on ACA to even ask questions here) trying to learn as much as I can (BTW Thx EVERYBODY for all the great info), I think your site is very helpful and a great layout.
I was pointed to this forum by one of your community members who had contacted my website and thought some of the tools we had built regarding the exchanges might be useful.

We've built a pretty detailed tool that outlines the different plan, actual rates and availability at the county / zip code level for 11 of the 50 states so far and are adding more daily.

You can browse our available states at valuepenguin.com/ppaca/exchanges/ (It seems that I cant post a link on the forum)

We'd love some feedback regarding what we've provided thus far, and hope the tools are useful to this community.

Here is the link http://valuepenguin.com/ppaca/exchanges/

In return I expect Indiana to added to the site :)

Excellent work so far on the site.
I was pointed to this forum by one of your community members who had contacted my website and thought some of the tools we had built regarding the exchanges might be useful.

We've built a pretty detailed tool that outlines the different plan, actual rates and availability at the county / zip code level for 11 of the 50 states so far and are adding more daily.

You can browse our available states at valuepenguin.com/ppaca/exchanges/ (It seems that I cant post a link on the forum)

We'd love some feedback regarding what we've provided thus far, and hope the tools are useful to this community.

Hey Mr. V.P., I see you've come a long way in just a few weeks. You have not only corrected the Subsidy calculations, but have enhanced this tool by adding specific Regionalized Calculations within each state. Outstanding!

Do you have plans for offering a paid-subscription version once there are enough tools, charts and calculators onboard? I could see myself using this at the Point-of-Sale, or just running a quick analysis, or data look-up with a prospect on the phone.

BTW..since your project is growing and ongoing, I suggest that you start a dedicated "VALUE PENGUIN Info and Feedback" thread in this forum. Otherwise, we'll have to search through this "Obamacare Resources" thread for updates and feedback, which won't be very efficient for you, or us. Once again, Great job and Thanks!

That is one hell of an article Allen. This law is inherently flawed.

Flawed indeed, YAgents. It's flawed on several fronts. Another problem that most Americans don't know about (yet) is the "Family Glitch".

Family Glitch Explained: http://www.rmhp.org/blog/2013/04/premium-assistance-and-the-family-glitch-rmhp/

Obama Administration officials respond to concerns over each glitch by saying that it affects "only" a relatively small number of individuals and families. Well, when you add all the people together who are affected by all of these "glitches" in the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), you have many millions of individuals and families who will financially suffer because of them.

The Affordable Care Act is becoming increasingly unpopular with the American Public as we get closer to the October 1st launch date. The anti-ObamaCare sentiment will GO NUCLEAR when people start visiting the exchanges and find out that they're being forced into higher prices, larger deductibles, smaller physician/hospital networks, subsidy-disqualification and, the Family Glitch.
We had received a comment on our premium comparison tool that we thought was a mistake in our calculation but ended up being another strange "flaw" in the way the subsidies are designed. We thought it would be interesting to people discussing health care reform.

Basically because of the way the subsidies are calculated. For two people, qualifying for subsidies, with identical incomes, choosing the same plan, the older person in many cases will pay LESS than the younger person. This occurs in a number of bronze plans that we've studied.

You can see our quick analysis here: valuepenguin.com/2013/09/exchange-plans-may-cost-young-americans-more-older-americans