Parker & Associates No Release. Please Advise

Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I am also a MA FMO and we have a termination clause in our producer agreement that allows either party to terminate with 30 days notice... now, with regard to agents, you should look for a Termination clause and insist on having one before you sign up.
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I am also a MA FMO and we have a termination clause in our producer agreement that allows either party to terminate with 30 days notice... now, with regard to agents, you should look for a Termination clause and insist on having one before you sign up.

Thats a good policy, all my contracts have a release, its the only honest way of doing business.
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I think that is just the mentality now days. I think the best thing to do is put it in writing certified with ten days (business days) to get it remedied or it's legal action! And then sue them. There is a good book out there called "Sue the Bastards" that helps. I would do it pro se myself, but have been reading up on this stuff for a few years.

Fight a couple traffic tickets on your own first and see how it is. Takes a lot of time and effort, but to me it is worth it just for the educational value.
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I think that is just the mentality now days. I think the best thing to do is put it in writing certified with ten days (business days) to get it remedied or it's legal action! And then sue them. There is a good book out there called "Sue the Bastards" that helps. I would do it pro se myself, but have been reading up on this stuff for a few years.

Fight a couple traffic tickets on your own first and see how it is. Takes a lot of time and effort, but to me it is worth it just for the educational value.

10 days may no be realistic if the GA/FMO is providing leads. It isn't fair to take free leads from them, give them notice and go direct or to another FMO and sell the leads. It can cost an FMO a lot to generate leads, if they are of good quality.
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

You would think these FMO's would be happy to release since all it causes is anomosity and post like this across the web for everyone to see. It could hurt them in the long run
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

You would think these FMO's would be happy to release since all it causes is anomosity and post like this across the web for everyone to see. It could hurt them in the long run
You would think that but most FMOs don't even know this forum exists. Losing a few people means nothing to them. They just continue to screw new agents.

Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

P&A in a word stinks!

Paying for E&O that's only good for the business you write through them only is bull. I called and a bozo there told me that they have to do this because they have 1,000+ agents and this is the only way they can make sure that your E&O is in place. I told him, do you track commissions and he said yep and I replied then you can track agents for E&O!

I feel fortunate to be out from under them! All you've got to do is pitch a fit at the insurance company level and you'll be amazed how fast things can get done!
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I just noticed that this has over 1,100 views hmmm, could it be all the ticked off P&A agents checking this thread.
Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

I am going through the whole release thing with Parker myself (bunch of crooks if you ask me). I spoke with a man from Pyramid and he told me to mail a certified letter of resignation to parker and then forward it to them as well and they would try to negotiate a release. Funny thing is, when he asked who the FMO was the very next thing out of his mouth was... Do they owe you any money? (of course they do!) Throughout my quest to figure out how to get a release, I have noticed that every problem I came across with an FMO, 9 time out of 10 the FMO was Parker & Associates. I would love to see a class action lawsuit against these jokers and would participate 100%!


Re: Parker & Associates No Release Please Advise

The only company I am still with through Parker and Associates is Coventry Advantra Freedom. And, the only reason I don't ask for a release, is because I would have to stop writing for 12 months.

Well, I believe too much in the product to do so. I can't, in good conscience (sp?) stop writing, just to move for that one company.

For all my other companies - save Humana - I switched over to Kingdom, and have been extremely happy with them. They actually pay when and how much they say, and they constantly provide me with information I need to stay ahead of the curve.

With Humana, I'm with a company down in Florida, who's name I can't recall. But, I get paid on time, and very well.

Maybe in 2009 I will find another company's product that is better than Advantra Freedom around here. If so, I will write them for a year. If not, then I will continue to write through Parker.