Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

I have to agree . A return to normalcy isn't happening for a long long long time. I just read a Who Dr said this will menace the human race for a long time. The earliest we'll see a vaccine widely distributed is 18-24 months( most take 5 yrs min). Yesterday i was changing my oil and need awech from neighbor. He stretched out and handed it to me not getting even close. 5 neighbors were sitting across the street all far apart. This is the new normal. How this affects f2f door knocks and appointments over time we doing know. This has affected every segment of society and will be burned on their brain.
I wouldn't trust anything that came from the WHO, or the country(China)who controls it. :no:
So, if I were an anonymous internet handle like most of you blocking wouldn't be necessary. But when you don't hide behind a handle, then $hit gets a little more real for you.

Your real name is DayTimer? :1eek:

A lot of people here know my name, email and cell number.

I don't use my real name because this is an agent site not a consumer site. I don't recruit or advertise for business so I prefer my clients don't find me here. So I can talk shit. . That said I have pushing a dozen clients from this site.
problem with $880 billion go directly to corporations

Do you realize that "rich" corporations create jobs?

Poor people don't create jobs.

Govt doesn't create jobs. They create more bureacracy.

Before I went out on my own corporations paid me good money to gin up the business. Six figure incomes many years plus bennies.

Got tired of working their rules. Made up my own. Now I work WITH corporations, not for. Make more $$ than before and play by my rules, not theirs.
Do you realize that "rich" corporations create jobs?

I do. I also realize that middle income workers pay more into the system than the corporations and this time around the people need some help too. You may have had many years of six figures + bennies. The vast majority of Americans have not one year like that - not even close - in their entire lives.