- 5,534
You cannot say ... you know nothing about .... We don't know ... We don't know ... We don't know .... We don't know the source. We don't know ....
We have too little information to make any predictions or statements about ... Make no assumptions. Learn all we can ...
For a new strain of an existing disease, you are so, so cautious. And yes, we are pretty certain we know the source.
I'm sure you only get information from trusted sources such as FOX and RT.
For something you appear to have too little information to make any predictions or statements about, you are so, so assumptive. The duality is amazing!
You don't know that!
Actually, we do know it's not the Black Plague or Spanish Flu. We've tested it and named it, and it's not the Black Plague or Spanish Flu, and the fatality rates aren't even close. As a matter of fact, the loss of life years (years of remaining life expectancy a person has) from the deaths of Covid19, appear to be lower than the seasonal flu. Even though the most recent metrics shows its about 5 times deadly across a total population - it kills less young people, and more elderly people and those with health conditions with less remaining years of life. It's still killing people, but in terms of life years, it would need many many more elderly and or otherwise ailing to equate the same life years of the death of a child, of which the seasonal flu killed many, and this has killed very few.
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