Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

The easy part will be opening business back up. The hard part will be putting butts in the seats. I suspect there will be a COVID rebound by August if things open up too soon, unless testing, treatment or cures are found. The rush is to boost the economy in time for a desired effect at election time. Trading lives for votes seldom pays off in the end. We can't all have a medical team screen everybody before we interact with them first either.
Again, I do not block folks because I don't agree with them.

Do you realize that "rich" corporations create jobs?

"Rich" corporation pay their workers like crap so that they can get richer. Their workers go on welfare, foodstamps, are a strain on the medical system and the middle class gets stuck paying the bills. It's corporate welfare and they don't pay their fair share.

What should happen is there should be "zero" tax on earned income. Tax corporations and tax the rich with massive unearned income and reinstitute estate taxes so we stop building royalty.

middle income workers pay more into the system than the corporations and this time around the people need some help too

Restating your comment does not equate to an answer.

Your observation is also a fallacy.


Who Pays Income Taxes?

I found it impossible to obtain accurate data on how much corporations pay (as a percent of total taxes) vs individuals. Sources blurred the lines because they included pass through taxes.

Some sources broke out sales taxes, excise taxes, premium taxes, etc but getting a true picture of corporate vs individual is elusive. Perhaps your sleuthing skills top mine.

Folks that say the tax burden is borne by the poor is also a fallacy, and the chart above illustrates that point.

Wealthy individuals and corporations support low income individuals.

FWIW, if I had stated that most of my life I have enjoyed good health would your response be, "But how about those who have not enjoyed the same?"
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Your observation is also a fallacy.

How so? How, pray-tell, are you interpreting this chart? And how does it somehow prove that the American people are undeserving of help at this time?

Or or you defining the 50% of American households that make less than $41,000 as "the middle class" and that everyone else is rich and in no need, and the "middle class" undeserving.

Also, you could google "how much do corporations pay in federal income tax" and then a little sniffing around will find that in recent years it has been between 220 billion and 297 billion, and that American workers have paid 1.4 to 1.7 trillion.

Such company men here on the insurance forums these days.
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And FWIW I detest the use of the term "undeserving".

Life does not come with guarantees. How you react, and what you do with life's rewards and challenges is up to you.

You cannot understand politics and especially the politics of government disbursements during crisis and not ask "who does and does not deserve the help?" Politics is a moral domain.

And what is one to make of your unwillingness to explain the chart you posted in support your opinion? You are making no argue to which one can respond. You post a chart that shows the breakdown by income levels of the % paid in personal Federal income taxes.

That does nothing to respond to the point that people should matter more than corporations and that if one needed to make an argument based on who puts the most in to the system it is individuals not corporations.

All you have done to this point is tell us that you believe is socialism for the corporations and the investor class and rugged individualism for everyone else.

I'm not trying to change your mind. That isn't possible. But you won't change mine on this either. You and I look at politics quite differently. And that's fine.
Don't we individuals pay 100% of corporate tax?

It never made sense to me that we wouldn't have the most corporate-friendly tax policy so as to compete globally.

I don't understand what purpose blocking someone serves. If I get blocked I suppose my reaction would be like Floyd the barber's, "Umna uh oh my OH MYYYyyy!" Floyd was cool.

I've never understood the appeal of George Carlin. The man has never made me laugh. I like Tim Hawkins.
I'm sure you only get information from trusted sources such as FOX and RT.

You need to read a few more of my recent post before you level accusations. I'll do my due diligence on the numbers, you need to do yours on what I have posted.

Your input in appreciated, but make sure before you put a shot across my bow, you know of what you speak. :)
Clearly there are innumerable opinions on here about the virus. What I will say is this...

There is ALWAYS a solution if we are willing to find one.

Whether that's face to face, door knocking hybrid approach etc etc. We get to celebrate each other's successes and be a shoulder to cry on through a struggle. This season is one where the resilient will survive and the ones who made excuses will fail.

We are each entitled to our opinions. Unfortunately, there is a ton of trolling and shaming the guys that choose to go to work. Not that I am advocating for any one way to do business right now, but we shouldn't be shaming people and calling them immoral either.

I'm willing to celebrate successes of ANYONE who made it through this crisis (even the guy that blocked me ;) ). At the end of the day we are all in this together.

I choose hope. I choose to assume the best instead of the worst.

P.S. I'm sure keyboard warrior will think this post is about him, so if anyone wants to quote this so he can see it, that would be great.