Pre T65 Question on MAPD, Wants Med Supp

What is an uplink?

It's an obvious misspelling of up line in this context. But, here is how Webster's defines uplink if you are curious:

: a communications channel for transmissions to a spacecraft or satellite; also : the transmissions themselves

Could very well be. I wrote his wife almost two months ago and he brought this up on policy delivery. I told him that I would have to consult with my uplink, which at Bankers is a bunch of chimps flinging poo at the dart board.
Anyways, I have now left that company and am on my way to meet with him next week. I will post how much of the story I didn't hear about.

As far as the SSD, I have no clue as to what does or does not qualify an individual with missing digits as a disability sufficient enough for early social security. Perhaps something with his hands was intangible to his job(which working at a manufacturing plant could easily fit in this realm, or he could have been a hand model like a previous poster suggested).

Happy New Year,


Hey, be nice! Some chimps are civilized. :mad:
Some chimps are civilized

Name that chimp
