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Quarantine and Insurance sales


1000 Post Club
A very serious question we must think about . Somewhere down the line a full quarantine is a good bet. How will agents handle weeks with little to no possible income? How will agents handle fixed cost direct mail that still comes in? Will many people even mail cards in or answer FB ads? I played a tennis match today and everyone was keeping a distance from each other. Hell will people even let you in the home? We don't need to discuss the utter panic out there. Everyone can see it . If your not well capitalized i fear you won't make in to see the other side in this business.
Very Very few people have been tested. A Congressional Dr said that 100-150 million will get it . Italy has an 8% mortality rate . Everyone's shutting down . America is the most open society on earth so infection rates can skyrocket . Nobody knows what happens but we do know the fear is real and is paralyzing the country right now.
Very Very few people have been tested. A Congressional Dr said that 100-150 million will get it . Italy has an 8% mortality rate . Everyone's shutting down . America is the most open society on earth so infection rates can skyrocket . Nobody knows what happens but we do know the fear is real and is paralyzing the country right now.

Congratulations perpetuating the fear.

Dr. Brian Monahan said 70 to 150 million, not 100 to 150 million.

How many of those people in Italy that died were over the age of 80? My dad is 82, and it could kill him, but so could a flight of stairs.

Where did you get 8%? I can't find that number anywhere. The reason the Italy fatality rates are so high is because they are only factoring confirmed cases, and Italy is one of the oldest countries on earth. You seem to have left that out of your post.

America is the most open society on earth? Really? That comment is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. How about the Mongolians? The tribes of Africa, and Central and South America?

Everyone is shutting down? Really? I've got meetings lined up, and just wrapped up running errands today. Who is this "everyone" you refer to?

Again, the fear is real, thanks to people like you and poor and incorrect information taken out of context.

You should stop posting for a while.
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I guess Airports empty and cruise lines shut down is fear ?I guess Mr Trump who told us this was a sniveling flu 2 weeks ago was right?I'm trying to have a real discussion about reality on the ground and you throw some bs out.
I guess Airports empty and cruise lines shut down is fear ?I guess Mr Trump who told us this was a sniveling flu 2 weeks ago was right?I'm trying to have a real discussion about reality on the ground and you throw some bs out.

You're not trying to have a real discussion. You threw out a string of lies and inaccurate information, or bs as I should call it.

For the betterment of the group, I called out each one of your lies, one by one. You should stop posting for a while, and have a xanax. Let the adults talk for a while.
70 to 150 mil or 100 to 150 mil is irrelevant.I guess Spain and Italy under lockdown is bs ? This is 10 times more contagious that the flu the head of Who says . Buddy your in denial.