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Quarantine and Insurance sales

I just want everyone to know that they have closed our local funeral home for the next 30 days as a precaution to stop the spread of the virus. The community has been asked that no one die until the 30 days is up.

:fibs:I've also smoked but never inhaled... and you can keep your plan and you can keep your doctor. I can't find my emails, has anyone seen them?

You forgot 'I just want to snuggle, no really'
What's the odds of all commerce coming to a screeching halt?

David - unfortunately the odds are starting to get higher and higher. Let me know how many seniors are welcoming in the door knockers with open arms...

One could argue that actually going into the home of an "at risk senior" would be considered selfish and dangerous on the part of the Agent. I mean it's not like they can't get this coverage "over the phone"... And I doubt the spouses of the agents are super excited to have their partner go sit in the home of the most at risk population for an hour... And bring that virus home!

I'd hate to be a F2F salesman right now...

(Reuters) - France and Spain joined Italy in imposing lock downs on tens of millions of people, Australia ordered self-isolation of arriving foreigners, and Argentina and El Salvador extended entry bans as the world sought to contain the spreading coronavirus.

Panic buying in Australia, the United States and Britain saw leaders appeal for calm over the virus that has infected over 138,000 people globally and killed more than 5,000.

Several countries imposed bans on mass gathering, shuttered sporting, cultural and religious events, while medical experts urged people to practice "social distancing" to curb the spread.

All of Pope Francis' Easter services next month will be held without the faithful attending, the Vatican said on Sunday, in a step believed to be unprecedented in modern times.

Spain put its 47 million inhabitants under partial lockdown on Saturday as part of a 15-day state of emergency to combat the epidemic in Europe's second worst-affected country after Italy.

France will shut shops, restaurants and entertainment facilities from Sunday with its 67 million people were told to stay home after confirmed infections doubled in 72 hours.

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said "We must absolutely limit our movements"
First, if you're sick and door knocking, obviously stay home.

Second, I agree. If you're going to really combat this virus, no need to be half-pregnant. Shut down all but the essentials for 30 to 45 days. We'll be back in business in no time.

Third, don't give into the hysteria. I have not had any of my face-to-face agents saying door knocking or running appointments isn't working. That may all change at any moment.

What has changed is that group prospecting processes are not working. I wouldn't touch annuity and Medicare dinner presentations with a 10-foot pole for the time being.

Fourth, if a prospect is really interested in this, then conduct the sales call over the phone. Even on a door knock without a prior appointment, there's nothing stopping you from pivoting to a phone call to conduct the presentation.

Stay creative and fluid to match the change in circumstances.
Don, pick up your phone and start dialing. Signature has taken f2f requirements out of the conversation. Ask each person for referrals and keep on dialing.
Don, pick up your phone and start dialing. Signature has taken f2f requirements out of the conversation. Ask each person for referrals and keep on dialing.
Are you absolutely certain the virus cannot be contracted over the airwaves. Some say the virus is airborne and your Wi-Fi and cell phone connections travel through the air. Good grief, now there is something else to become hysterical about! :shocked:
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Hey brother i just brought this discussion up to talk about. I'll still chug away. I have many investments and can go yrs without sales and survive. Got the below out of USA Today from yesterday.

Multiple experts say up to 70% of Americans could be infected with the coronavirus and 1 million could die if no treatment is found — so people over 60 should 'stay home unless it's critical'
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Are you absolutely certain the virus cannot be contracted over the airwaves. Some say the virus is airborne and your Wi-Fi and cell phone connections travel through the air. Giddy grief, now there is something else to become
hysterical about! :shocked:
I did get a call from someone with an accent warning me about Corona Wirus. I asked him if this Wirus was a new carrier or a medical condition. He did not have an answer
Will the insurance carriers be able to keep their doors open if a few of their home office personnel come down with the virus? Then what?

Carriers who have a plan B (and C) in place will be able to grow when other carriers start to shrink because they are in "pause" for a few weeks (or longer).

Just thinking out loud.