Quick Sales Tip

I rarely agree with jd but that's pretty obvious if someone doesn't like or trust you they ain't buying . I replaced 2 mapd's last week were their agent lied to them and switched their plan to a company they never heard of . I beat that lieing agent to a pulp . The husband said he never trusted the agent anyway .

You agree with me all the time. You just don't admit it all the time. :1wink:
Back to the basics... and again back to the basics.

How interesting that in the back ground his gps was directing him as he drove. Much like in sales, we often need that simple reminder to veer right or veer left before you end up in the wrong direction.

We use to call this a "check up from the neck up". Sales being the mental game that it is and the largest portion of that game is to overcome ourselves; the importance of simple and quick reminders is like the vector change that pilots make to stay on course.

Generally it's not the large changes, but the small ones that keep the car in its proper lane. :yes:
Don't you have to drive a DeLorean to get "back to the basics? :wideeyed:
Hell 50% of the homes I go in you better have shoes on .Just like the wave getting out of the car . That gives away salesman 100 times . I want them to be curious who I am . I do know this open enrollment at least 100 people I knocked told me they never ever answer the phone anymore . Also many low income people now have built in by the carrier spam blockers . I put one of my phones on silence if it doesn't recognize the # . It's beautiful .