Senate Report: Illegal Immigrants Benefited from Up to $750M in ObamaCare Subsidies

Kasich is worth a look. I know of 3 cases in AZ where the person was send back to their home country from a hospital bed they had no status or residence status. So you can imagine flight cost and the hospital costs prior to that deportation. Usually they don't stay longer than 30 days. Is better to have those people insured than not insured because if they're not insured and they go to the hospital and it's a critical medical event and they have their family or legal advisor with them then you and I will be paying these costs out of our pockets via premiums

I would agree, Kasich is worth a look... but he is all about some Medicaid expansion, look out.

Did those people come over for healthcare? Or were they here and the medical system uncovered their illegal status?
Those people were living in AZ they did not cross the border just to seek healthcare. When the medical system figures out that they cannot pay and won't be paid then they sometimes involve the foreign consulate to assist with the medical "transportation" from a hospital bed to another country. So then this is just another unpaid medical bill it's factored into uncollectible services rendered costs. So these uncollectible costs get rolled over into next years hospital budget
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If I hear one more of these lying politicians say the words "I will create good paying jobs" I'm gonna barf.

Econ 101 folks: the only way jobs are created is by the Private Sector. We have Govt. jobs because they take money (tax) from those working in the private sector.

Econ 101 also addresses the FACT that Economics is a Philosophy, of which, there are many. Many people confuse Economics with Science, it is not.

Philosophical differences are often dictated by perspective. If your Economic Perspective is from the bottom of the pile and you see no path to the top, Socialist Economic Philosophies become attractive.

As the wealth gap grows, Socialism will be an attractive path to keep the peace. That is not my wish, simply a prediction.


Those people were living in AZ they did not cross the border just to seek healthcare. When the medical system figures out that they cannot pay and won't be paid then they sometimes involve the foreign consulate to assist with the medical "transportation" to another country. So then this is just another unpaid medical bill it's factored into uncollectible services rendered costs. So these uncollectible costs get rolled over into next years hospital budget

I have never considered this scenario. I guess it's safe to assume there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of illegals that probably need healthcare, but avoid it for this reason.
If I hear one more of these lying politicians say the words "I will create good paying jobs" I'm gonna barf.

Econ 101 folks: the only way jobs are created is by the Private Sector. We have Govt. jobs because they take money (tax) from those working in the private sector.

Well no not really correct. Gov jobs pays wages, which drive all jobs, so not really on your point.

The private sector responds to demand, higher wages create higher demand for goods and services.

Somebody making 50k in the public or private sector is gonna spend the money back in the economy.

Well no not really correct. Gov jobs pays wages, which drive all jobs, so not really on your point.

The private sector responds to demand, higher wages create higher demand for goods and services.

Somebody making 50k in the public or private sector is gonna spend the money back in the economy.


Wrong!....No...... BIG TIME WRONG!

If the private sector worker had ALL of his/her money the same amount would still be in the economy. All you have done is take half (or so) of his check and give it to somebody else.:no:

If "Gov. jobs drove all jobs" as you suggest then the solution to all of our problems would be to just give all unemployed folks Gov jobs.:goofy:

If "higher wages created higher demand" then to solve our problems the Gov could just supplement wages...right?.....No. Oh how about lets create a super robust economy and make minimum wage $30.00 an hour.. no.. heck lets go BIG $130.00 an hour and really create some demand.:goofy:
Wrong!....No...... BIG TIME WRONG!

If the private sector worker had ALL of his/her money the same amount would still be in the economy. All you have done is take half (or so) of his check and give it to somebody else.:no:

If "Gov. jobs drove all jobs" as you suggest then the solution to all of our problems would be to just give all unemployed folks Gov jobs.:goofy:

If "higher wages created higher demand" then to solve our problems the Gov could just supplement wages...right?.....No. Oh how about lets create a super robust economy and make minimum wage $30.00 an hour.. no.. heck lets go BIG $130.00 an hour and really create some demand.:goofy:

There we go, that's the component you are missing. The typical "worker" doesn't pay lifetime net positive taxes. They will suck what little they contributed to the societal tax pool dry upon retirement.

Me personally, I don't care if we go socialized or not, either way I'm going to continue to play the game. I simply find the dynamics of our current situation intriguing.

So you're saying Obamacare has been defunded? Wow, you may want to study up on how bills are passed, actually signed into law and implemented. Again, I'll wait for you to post all the funding cuts to Obamacare.

This mindset reveals a glaring error in the two party system. I don't want Republicans to fix it, I want Congress to fix it. You, like many, see politics as Democrats vs. Republicans. I see politics as politicians that need to do work. I don't give a rats patooty who passed what. I simply accept that the law was passed - although I adamantly opposed it. Now it's time to fix the holes, no matter how many there are... or ditch it and move to single-payer. It's not going away.

Well, fixing the holes would be repealing it. And that's exactly what Republicans have tried to do, but have gotten no support from Democrats nor the president. You say you want it fixed and there is a party attempting to fix an unworkable and unsustainable law. But obviously that isn't to your satisfaction and once again Democrats have no responsibility in helping "fix" this terrible law that they alone passed. The fix is to repeal it. Democrats broke a system that was working for 85%-90% of the population. There was a much easier and less costly way to help that other 10%-15%.

And forget single payer. That shouldn't even be on the table. We can't afford the government we currently have so there's no way to afford single payer. Nor do I want all medical professionals being defacto workers of the state.

Even your boy Ted Cruz admits he can't get rid of Obamacare. In spite of the fact that he proposed his own bill to repeal. There's your GOP, wasting tax $'s, blaming it on the Democrats...

My boy? Please point to ANY post where I've claimed Cruz to be my boy.
Wrong!....No...... BIG TIME WRONG!

If the private sector worker had ALL of his/her money the same amount would still be in the economy. All you have done is take half (or so) of his check and give it to somebody else.:no:

If "Gov. jobs drove all jobs" as you suggest then the solution to all of our problems would be to just give all unemployed folks Gov jobs.:goofy:

If "higher wages created higher demand" then to solve our problems the Gov could just supplement wages...right?.....No. Oh how about lets create a super robust economy and make minimum wage $30.00 an hour.. no.. heck lets go BIG $130.00 an hour and really create some demand.:goofy:

Ok now explain it to me in the terms of refrigerator purchases. Also explain the ripple effect of several purchasers compared to one on the market?

;) And just so everybody knows, this isn't a political conversation, it's economics.

because what happens when you "one" guy buys enough stuff? Where does his excess money go?

Demand creates jobs. Demands for goods and services. You need numbers with buying power, not necessarily savings power to drive an economy. The United States is the greatest market in the world, but that isn't because of our saving ability, it's our ability to spend and use credit.


And Houstoncougar, I think your business model is based on a lot of people buying your service no? Your income is based on volume, not a couple heavy hitters right? That's all I am saying and I think if I remember correctly, that is your business model. no?
So you're saying Obamacare has been defunded? Wow, you may want to study up on how bills are passed, actually signed into law and implemented. Again, I'll wait for you to post all the funding cuts to Obamacare.

Well, fixing the holes would be repealing it. And that's exactly what Republicans have tried to do, but have gotten no support from Democrats nor the president. You say you want it fixed and there is a party attempting to fix an unworkable and unsustainable law. But obviously that isn't to your satisfaction and once again Democrats have no responsibility in helping "fix" this terrible law that they alone passed. The fix is to repeal it. Democrats broke a system that was working for 85%-90% of the population. There was a much easier and less costly way to help that other 10%-15%.

And forget single payer. That shouldn't even be on the table. We can't afford the government we currently have so there's no way to afford single payer. Nor do I want all medical professionals being defacto workers of the state.

My boy? Please point to ANY post where I've claimed Cruz to be my boy.

Cruz being your boy is equivalent to your eluding to me being a Democrat. But you don't like people playing your game... got it sman.

Yada yada yada, no the old system was not very good, unless you had a government job, Medicaid, Medicare, VA, or worked for a large employer... and was headed downhill fast. Interesting how you have such fond memories of a program that discriminated against small business and their employees... not to mention people that needed health insurance because of an existing health issue.

I understand how a bill works... you, obviously, are ignorant of the Obamacare defunding components whittled into the "Fiscal Cliff" deal.

Thank you, but I will pass on attempting to forget single payer and you should too, if health insurance is your gig. It's where we are headed.