Senate Report: Illegal Immigrants Benefited from Up to $750M in ObamaCare Subsidies

Cruz being your boy is equivalent to your eluding to me being a Democrat. But you don't like people playing your game... got it sman.

I think you meant ALLUDED. And if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck (i.e. - blaming Republicans for the faults of this terrible law), then yes, I would think that person leans more left than right. Does that make them (you) a Democrat? I don't know. But based on some of the things you've posted, I don't think that's too far of a stretch for someone to think. If my ALLUDING that you are a Democrat offends you, my apologies. But my perception of what you've stated on this forum leads me to believe that, as I said above, you lean more left than right.

And you can play any game that you want. If I've posted something on here that would remotely make a person think that Cruz is "my boy", please point it out. You see, the difference is you've said some things that would make one think you are liberal and I've said ZERO in support of Cruz.

Yada yada yada, no the old system was not very good, unless you had a government job, Medicaid, Medicare, VA, or worked for a large employer... and was headed downhill fast. Interesting how you have such fond memories of a program that discriminated against small business and their employees... not to mention people that needed health insurance because of an existing health issue.

And yet, the old system was better than what we have now. You may disagree, but anyone who has to actually pay for their health insurance knows this is the truth. Add to that the higher taxes some of us have to pay and it's a double whammy. We now have doctors refusing to see patients who have on-exchange plans. Same network as their sister off-exchange plans, but doctors won't take them. We have an ever increasing middle class who are now going uninsured because they can no longer afford their premiums (which have more than doubled in two years). So all this law did was move the uninsured from one class to another.

I understand how a bill works... you, obviously, are ignorant of the Obamacare defunding components whittled into the "Fiscal Cliff" deal.

I'm well aware of PROPOSED cuts, but I have yet to see any of the funding for Obamacare be cut. You've been given multiple opportunities to point to those specific areas and all you could do was link to a proposed amendment that is not law.

Thank you, but I will pass on attempting to forget single payer and you should too, if health insurance is your gig. It's where we are headed.

Health insurance has never been my primary gig. I stopped marketing it more than 6 years ago as the writing was on the wall. I'm opposed to single payer for the very reasons I listed earlier. It has nothing to do with any income I receive in that market (which is less than 10% of my total income at this point).
I think you meant ALLUDED. And if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck (i.e. - blaming Republicans for the faults of this terrible law), then yes, I would think that person leans more left than right. Does that make them (you) a Democrat? I don't know. But based on some of the things you've posted, I don't think that's too far of a stretch for someone to think. If my ALLUDING that you are a Democrat offends you, my apologies. But my perception of what you've stated on this forum leads me to believe that, as I said above, you lean more left than right.

And you can play any game that you want. If I've posted something on here that would remotely make a person think that Cruz is "my boy", please point it out. You see, the difference is you've said some things that would make one think you are liberal and I've said ZERO in support of Cruz.

And yet, the old system was better than what we have now. You may disagree, but anyone who has to actually pay for their health insurance knows this is the truth. Add to that the higher taxes some of us have to pay and it's a double whammy. We now have doctors refusing to see patients who have on-exchange plans. Same network as their sister off-exchange plans, but doctors won't take them. We have an ever increasing middle class who are now going uninsured because they can no longer afford their premiums (which have more than doubled in two years). So all this law did was move the uninsured from one class to another.

I'm well aware of PROPOSED cuts, but I have yet to see any of the funding for Obamacare be cut. You've been given multiple opportunities to point to those specific areas and all you could do was link to a proposed amendment that is not law.

Health insurance has never been my primary gig. I stopped marketing it more than 6 years ago as the writing was on the wall. I'm opposed to single payer for the very reasons I listed earlier. It has nothing to do with any income I receive in that market (which is less than 10% of my total income at this point).

Thank you for the grammer leson. If you think anyone is going to read that amount of text beyond a grammer leson in an informal forum like this, you must be beyond retirement age. You should explore a hobby.
Thank you for the grammer leson. If you think anyone is going to read that amount of text beyond a grammer leson in an informal forum like this, you must be beyond retirement age. You should explore a hobby.

Poor thing. Maybe you can explore GRAMMAR LESSONS. I simply addressed your points. And my entire post can't possibly take more than 90 seconds to read. My apologies your attention span doesn't run that long.
Econ 101 also addresses the FACT that Economics is a Philosophy, of which, there are many. Many people confuse Economics with Science, it is not.

Philosophical differences are often dictated by perspective. If your Economic Perspective is from the bottom of the pile and you see no path to the top, Socialist Economic Philosophies become attractive.

As the wealth gap grows, Socialism will be an attractive path to keep the peace. That is not my wish, simply a prediction.

If it is not a science then why does every MBA program in the world require Microeconomics? Microeconomics is very much a science.

Now I will give you somewhat of a pass on your comment regarding Macroeconomics. Macro is very hard to replicate an experiment with you have so many more factors to contend with.
Poor thing. Maybe you can explore GRAMMAR LESSONS. I simply addressed your points. And my entire post can't possibly take more than 90 seconds to read. My apologies your attention span doesn't run that long.

I enjoyed your response and it took me maybe 90 seconds to read. The one true way that a lefty lib reveals themselves is when in a debate about policy they resort to the " grammar lesson comment " or " please use proper English " or " please learn how to spell ". They adopt this higher than thou attitude . It is all about deflection for them.:D:D:D:D:D


Well no not really correct. Gov jobs pays wages, which drive all jobs, so not really on your point.

The private sector responds to demand, higher wages create higher demand for goods and services.

Somebody making 50k in the public or private sector is gonna spend the money back in the economy.


The government does not create anything... The $$ to pay the government jobs exist cause the government takes the $$ from business's and individuals in the form of taxes. The problem with Washington elites is that they all agree with you that " Gov jobs pay wages, which drives all jobs.... And we wonder how a Democratic Socialist is doing so well on the democratic ticket. :no::no::no::no::no:
I enjoyed your response and it took me maybe 90 seconds to read. The one true way that a lefty lib reveals themselves is when in a debate about policy they resort to the " grammar lesson comment " or " please use proper English " or " please learn how to spell ". They adopt this higher than thou attitude . It is all about deflection for them.:D:D:D:D:D


The government does not create anything... The $$ to pay the government jobs exist cause the government takes the $$ from business's and individuals in the form of taxes. The problem with Washington elites is that they all agree with you that " Gov jobs pay wages, which drives all jobs.... And we wonder how a Democratic Socialist is doing so well on the democratic ticket. :no::no::no::no::no:

So the government employees spend their money in a different country? They don't earn their money working providing services? They don't buy groceries, cars, TVs, cell phones and houses?

Please by all means clear up my misconception about where government workers spend their money after they've earned it.

What you're really saying is firemen, policemen and military people don't count as they are paid via taxes and don't provide any return for the money paid and clearly according to you spend that money offshore.

So the government employees spend their money in a different country? They don't earn their money working providing services? They don't buy groceries, cars, TVs, cell phones and houses?

Please by all means clear up my misconception about where government workers spend their money after they've earned it.

What you're really saying is firemen, policemen and military people don't count as they are paid via taxes and don't provide any return for the money paid and clearly according to you spend that money offshore.


The point is the government does not create jobs, the private sector does. The governments operating capital comes from taxes they levy. Private enterprise borrows/ invest it's own $$$$ and creates goods and services in the hope that people want & need what it offers. Of course gov employees spend the $$ they make in the economy. The bigger the government the smaller private enterprise is , however the larger private enterprise is the larger the pie gets...