Senior Life Insurance Company Burns Louis Burns, Top Recruiter

Whats so damm funny is all these agencys are doing $20 mil a yr plus . We’re talking 100’s of big agencys . All thats happening is these guys are flipping each others business week in and week out . Theres not enough business out there for all thes 100’s to be doing $20 mil
Wonder if he read the contract?
I was wondering the same thing. If what jdeasy says is true concerning SNL having the worst contract, either Lewis did not read it, or he read it and is unconcerned how it will affect his future or his recruits. Now I'm beginning to understand why jd associates some of these guys with pimps.
I, and lots of other on here have always cautioned people about the gotchas in the SLIC contract.. and there are lots of them. But every time they are mentioned Greg comes on and says they don't mean what they say.:)

Can't speak to the LH contract as I have never seen it. However, they mention Security National in the video and their independent agent contract has some strange language. There are too many companies out there with nice clean contacts and lifetime vesting to necessitate doing business with one of these types of companies.
Tommy’s gone full tilt into medicare. Tommy’
I was wondering the same thing. If what jdeasy says is true concerning SNL having the worst contract, either Lewis did not read it, or he read it and is unconcerned how it will affect his future or his recruits. Now I'm beginning to understand why jd associates some of these guys with pimps.
The veststation on snl contract is criminal . “ If your persistency EVER falls under 60% all renewals stop . If your adding no new business eventually your persistency going under 60% as the yrs roll on. Its pure theft
I, and lots of other on here have always cautioned people about the gotchas in the SLIC contract.. and there are lots of them. But every time they are mentioned Greg comes on and says they don't mean what they say.:)

Can't speak to the LH contract as I have never seen it. However, they mention Security National in the video and their independent agent contract has some strange language. There are too many companies out there with nice clean contacts and lifetime vesting to necessitate doing business with one of these types of companies.

Don't put any BS words about me. I've never said what's in bold above. Every decent business man/woman knows that written contracts are the real deal, not verbal contracts. You did know that right?
I was wondering the same thing. If what jdeasy says is true concerning SNL having the worst contract, either Lewis did not read it, or he read it and is unconcerned how it will affect his future or his recruits. Now I'm beginning to understand why jd associates some of these guys with pimps.
This is what I said:

“SNL may have the worst contract in the business?”

I’m not an attorney so it’s my opinion.

Someone would have to show me one that’s worse to change that opinion.

LH and SL might very well be worse?

But if SL wants to brag that their contract is worse it’s fine with me. :D
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