You are mistaken. They have offered shares of SL stock to their agents, even agents who have less than 30 days experience, for several years now.
SL has recently come out with a 10 year MDB term product. It blows AARP out of the water! This 10 yeat MDB term was designed strictly to compete with the AARP 5 yr. term that everyone up here complains about. What other FE Co. is being proactive to compete with AARP like this?
I agree with many of the things you say but what am I mistaken about? the question MGA asked was "Well ask yourself? Do you own an insurance company?" implying outright ownership no just owning shares which is totally different.
It is not uncommon for captive companies to offer share participation to their agents. I was with a company that allowed us not only to buy stock but matched our purchase... Unfortunately, it was AIG!
As far as another company being "proactive" by coming out with a term product to compete with AARP, it just doesn't matter to me because I am not going to sell a term for final expenses anyway. And, if your term product is priced as even you admit the SL WL life is priced, I will be able to write a WL for very little, if any more.
I don't knock SL or agent's selling it but I personally have little patience with the types of nonsense arguments MGA apparently joined the forum for the sole purpose of putting forth.
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