Senior Life Insurance Company Info

There's still not enough inventory of SR/LH here in TN, or jacobtn's knocking them all off before I find them.

Send more who follow your business model up here in East TN please.
Well ask yourself? Do you own an insurance company? Point is Sr Life has a proven system with a proven track record. Will your personal track record stack up against theirs? Sr Life was founded by two simple agents who worked there butts off for years selling final expense policies. How many agents can say that?


This could get interesting in MGA owns SL. I will say the story of what they did is very impressive. Wouldn't make me want to sell it but none the less impressive.
Well ask yourself? Do you own an insurance company? Point is Sr Life has a proven system with a proven track record. Will your personal track record stack up against theirs? Sr Life was founded by two simple agents who worked there butts off for years selling final expense policies. How many agents can say that?

What a BS argument.. How many SL agents "own" an insurance company? Do you?: There are many companies that have been started by an insurance agent that have done as well as SR Life.. Continental Life of Brentwood (AmCon) is one that readily comes to mind.. it was started by Randall Baskin.. And, unlike SL, it has managed to secure an A rating from AMBest
Sr Life has many shareholders which are agents and yes there has been many insurance companies that has been started by an agent. As for Sr Life being rated has no bearing on our financial condition. Sr Life is admitted in over 40 states in which we meet the same regulations as any other company that is admitted in that particular state. There are many good final expense companies and you need to choose which one offers you the best opportunity and then go to work. There will always be a new company with higher commissions. lower rates. different products and so on. The bottom line is I can make it with any of today's final expense companies but I choose Sr Life for the total package and the opportunity. I will say it again put your track record up and let it do your talking.
Why... if not from a marketing stand-point and credibility-booster in the eyes of consumers AND agents responsible for pimping your wares... will SL not go through the AM Best rating process, especially if it has nothing to hide?

Sr Life has many shareholders which are agents and yes there has been many insurance companies that has been started by an agent. As for Sr Life being rated has no bearing on our financial condition. Sr Life is admitted in over 40 states in which we meet the same regulations as any other company that is admitted in that particular state. There are many good final expense companies and you need to choose which one offers you the best opportunity and then go to work. There will always be a new company with higher commissions. lower rates. different products and so on. The bottom line is I can make it with any of today's final expense companies but I choose Sr Life for the total package and the opportunity. I will say it again put your track record up and let it do your talking.
Sr Life has many shareholders which are agents and yes there has been many insurance companies that has been started by an agent. As for Sr Life being rated has no bearing on our financial condition. Sr Life is admitted in over 40 states in which we meet the same regulations as any other company that is admitted in that particular state. There are many good final expense companies and you need to choose which one offers you the best opportunity and then go to work. There will always be a new company with higher commissions. lower rates. different products and so on. The bottom line is I can make it with any of today's final expense companies but I choose Sr Life for the total package and the opportunity. I will say it again put your track record up and let it do your talking.

That is what I choose to do.. And, I also choose not to be a one trick pony at the mercy of someone else.. So?

As for record, at this stage of my life I have interests other than insurance or even making a lot of money so my record is what I choose it to be.. Can you say the same?
So become a volunteer and have a company design you a final expense product in which all the commissions are taken out so you will be able to offer the client the best policy in the USA.
So become a volunteer and have a company design you a final expense product in which all the commissions are taken out so you will be able to offer the client the best policy in the USA.

Was that meant for me? I never said I didn't want to make money on the business I wrote.. Just that writing business is not my number one priority anymore so therefore you would not be impressed by the production record I post this year.

You were the one that was alluding to product commissions not being important "There will always be a new company with higher commissions. lower rates. different products and so on."

Fortunately, I am able to do a fairly decent job for a client by gving them a decent premium from a variety of stable companies. And, I don't find myself having to defend the companies I represent by using phoney argument or BS statements.
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That name comes up a lot. Who is that?

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