"I don't use a Garmin, but I do use a TomTom GPS. I can load all my adresses in it for the day. I don't know if it has a limit. The most I've ever put in there is about 8.
It won't tell you the distance betwen the addresses, but it will tell you how far you are from each one from your current stop.
If I have a no show I will pull out some of my leads that I haven't been able to contact and start entering them. I will stop by the closest one."
I to use a TomTom and yes I know you can put in numerous addresses. But I have been told there are software programs where you can input all the leads and see on a map where they all are at one time.
It would also be nice if the tomtom could actualy alert you when you are close to a home you have input. If I have an appointment a half hour away and have over an hour before the appointment time it would be nice to know if i am close to an address i have input.
It won't tell you the distance betwen the addresses, but it will tell you how far you are from each one from your current stop.
If I have a no show I will pull out some of my leads that I haven't been able to contact and start entering them. I will stop by the closest one."
I to use a TomTom and yes I know you can put in numerous addresses. But I have been told there are software programs where you can input all the leads and see on a map where they all are at one time.
It would also be nice if the tomtom could actualy alert you when you are close to a home you have input. If I have an appointment a half hour away and have over an hour before the appointment time it would be nice to know if i am close to an address i have input.