You keep saying FE is not "rocket science" but why not think it is like rocket science and start studying every aspect of the sales process.

Get blinded by the science of the sale and the mentality of the hunt. Immerse yourself.

Most of all, quitcherbitchinandmoanin.
I'm more of the, you know, sleep with my cousin's mother's only sister kind myself.

Thats a bad post to start a page with lol. Especially considering someone might have missed the beer crushing comment lol.:twitchy:
Wino is right and when you factor in the Inland Empire and pockets of Orange County there are a lot of prospects. Sure there are a lot of agents and if you are having difficulty then try and go further out like some have said. To your credit though I will say that reaching out on this forum has been more productive for you than grumbling in the Carl's Jr. parking lot. Keep plugging away.
You keep saying FE is not "rocket science" but why not think it is like rocket science and start studying every aspect of the sales process.

Get blinded by the science of the sale and the mentality of the hunt. Immerse yourself. "

pcbinsurance is absolutely right, IMO. Yes, it's frustrating to "waste" your money on leads. We've all been there, done that. Even more reason to take to heart what we're recommending. Get your head in the game. Internalize FE selling techniques, market knowledge, and most of all, keep a positive attitude with the persistence of a pit bull. Good selling, my friend.
Ok ya motley crew, got some EXCELLENT feedback on marketing on the Socal area! Now put down that tailgate and fire up the barbeque.
Hey Matt, if it makes you feel any better, I have been struggling with my leads the past 2 weeks. Been selling policies but nothing like I normally do.

I'll work through it though (hopefully this week) and get back in action.