- 1,011
I Have a Question for TPAAgent,
Can you elaborate on the list that you filter and door knock off...Where do get it? and what type of list do you buy?
It's USA Data- you get a small discount through MoO (mutual of omaha)
I filter 65-75 only, I dont even mess with anyone younger because more than likely they are on SSDI (funny, disabled eh? Didnt see you pull up in a wheelchair.. ya lying bastages) More than likely they have a SSDI card and no company will take those so your just spinning yer wheels
I filter by rent or homeowner, and incomes of 15k-25k
I buy other leads- and when I set an appt- I'll go the the list- sort by street name to see if anyone on there is on the same street as my appt.. or close by.. and go hit those while im out
You can get 1000 names for about $50
That list should last you a good 2-3 months or more...
It's not my bread and butter- but its a great way to fill in non appt slots, especially if they're on the same street or over a couple