T-65 Telemarketing Scirpt

I know someone that"s going to St. Loius next week for SNP. Helps with their diabetic supplies. Still alot less for more.
No, it's a lot less for a lot less. When they need to see Dr. Smith and he's not in network, how much did your client save.

By the way, I write a bunch of MA plans. But never would I say you get more healthcare for less. You get less access for less money.

Your attitude is the reason that MA salespeople get a (correct) bad rap.

I know someone that"s going to St. Loius next week for SNP. Helps with their diabetic supplies. Still alot less for more.

I think you need to do a lot more research and learn a whole lot more about Medicare and the options available to seniors before you make statements like that.

My advice to you would be the same to the other poster that makes assumptions without having all the facts.

"You never learn anything while you are talking and it is better to let people think you are uninformed than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Mutual of Omaha's new company, the name escapes me, has a Med supp available in Ohio for $79.00 per month for a female turning 65. I'm not sure where the zip code is in the state but it must be in a rural area.

I only sell insurance in rural areas. St. Louis use to be a good market for Med Supps until around 1995 when HMO's hit town with their full-page newspaper ads. Since I couldn't sell HMO's or compete with them I went to the country.

Not that it is any of your business but I have made six figures every year selling Med Supps since 1996. I got my license in '93. So next time you think you are so damn smart you might want to hold back a little until you get more information.

You would do well to remember that, you never learn anything while you are talking and it is better to let people think you are uninformed than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

I have not seen the premiums "going through the roof" as you put it. Nor do I see that happening anytime soon. If anything, I think companies are making a greater effort now than several years ago to try to keep premiums reasonably priced for seniors.

Dude, its a simple insurance concept... The less people sharing risk the more expensive the premium is, as people leave med supps the rates will go up... simple if you ask me..

I would also like to see the supp that you talk about that is $79 a month... is it a high deductible f? please provide a website.... I am not trying to prove you wrong, I am just really Interested in seeing it...

Also, take a break from this forum for a bit, I think your starting to take stuff personal.... its all fun and games my friend.
I went to give a quote on a J in In. Showed me her F from Mutual Omaha and it was $79.00 a mo. that's why I am so interested in finding out more info on United World here. Love to have that product if someone wants a supp. As far as what I said earlier, PFFS you can see any doctor that excepts the plan, just like Medicare. Most accept it here in In. No 3 day stay before SNC, as good if not better benefits than Original Medicare, no networks. I offer both and let the customer decide which direction they want to go.
Mutual's (united world) plan F is $83 for a 65 female not $79.

Not having to spend 3 days in the hospital prior to SNF is not a strong selling point. You won't pay anything if you are on Med+Med supp. You will likely hit your out of pocket max on a MA.
Lady with an F in Brookville broke her leg. Had ESRD also so she couldn't MA anyway. Spent the night in the hospital and was put into SNC for the next 28 days. She paid a bill of almost $28,000.