Thad’s FB leads

Late to the game on FB leads. I would like to run some through my own mix to get a feel for how they might work. Who do I need to get in contact with for pricing and ordering?

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Who is Thad by the way?

Thad Sipple
In this 3 minute audio I answer the #1 question... "Why does it "feel" like Facebook leads are so difficult to get ahold of" at least that is what the typical agents thinks. (Solved)

20 High Quality! Personalized! Facebook Leads! for $300 or choose the Red Pill, learn more by watching the video below.
Thad Sipple
In this 3 minute audio I answer the #1 question... "Why does it "feel" like Facebook leads are so difficult to get ahold of" at least that is what the typical agents thinks. (Solved)

20 High Quality! Personalized! Facebook Leads! for $300 or choose the Red Pill, learn more by watching the video below.

Thanks, listened to the audio... want to give them a try... how do I get a hold of him?