The Master Plan

The obamacare horse is out of the barn now. A republican congress can bring the horse back closer to the barn but this is an egg that cannot be unscrambled. Health insurance is a federally regulated and controlled utility now and will be regardless of who is elected. The republicans had a chance in January but they were too stupid to take advantage of it Best shot now is to propose a republican plan for how the feds should regulate it, but so far they are too stupid to do that too. Not pretty.

Same old, same old. "Let's all elect republicans in the fall to stop this thing and make it all go away." And then what? Errr we don't know. There is no republican plan and if there is there is no leader to go with it. Okay.....Ron Paul. Yeh, that will work.
There is no republican plan and if there is there is no leader to go with it.

Ron Paul couldn't be any worse than all the Republican turds.

Ole Mitt Romney was here in Tampa yesterday, throwin' in with Senate candidate Marco Rubio. They're runnin' from "Chain-Gang" Charlie Crist as quick as they can.

But here's my point; Romney will have no credibility on the issue since he did Obamacare before Obama did.
Ron Paul couldn't be any worse than all the Republican turds.

Ole Mitt Romney was here in Tampa yesterday, throwin' in with Senate candidate Marco Rubio. They're runnin' from "Chain-Gang" Charlie Crist as quick as they can.

But here's my point; Romney will have no credibility on the issue since he did Obamacare before Obama did.

Oh Romney has very limited traciton with the voters, as is true of Palin, Newt, Huckabee, Jindall, and Ron Paul. That would be my point. Now what?
If he gets an extension, he can enjoy a little mid life retirement at 29.

I get calls like that from time to time. Eventually they will succumb to reality.

Romney has very limited traciton with the voters, as is true of Palin, Newt, Huckabee, Jindall, and Ron Paul. That would be my point.

All true.

But Obama was nothing more than an empty suit with catchy slogans. The ones who elected him, the independent voters, were not so much voting for him as they were against Bush and the Republican machine.

Sure, he had his base of moochers and a solid block who voted for him simply because of skin color. But he would not have been elected if Bush and Congress had been better stewards of our economy.

While it would be nice to resuscitate Ronnie and run him again, we don't need that right now. There is enough anger toward Congress & DC that will change the balance of power in November.

What happens over the next 2 years after that will determine if we have 4 more years of Captain Titanic in the White House or we get someone in that actually knows how to run the country.
A republican congress can bring the horse back closer to the barn but this is an egg that cannot be unscrambled.

Gawd, I'm fan of mixed metaphors. My favorite is one I saw on a sports message board:

"His ceiling is through the roof!!"

And I second the Ron Paul thing. I have yet to hear anything from him that I disagree with.

Ron Paul couldn't be any worse than all the Republican turds.

Ole Mitt Romney was here in Tampa yesterday, throwin' in with Senate candidate Marco Rubio. They're runnin' from "Chain-Gang" Charlie Crist as quick as they can.

But here's my point; Romney will have no credibility on the issue since he did Obamacare before Obama did.

If he spins it correctly, he can use that to his advantage. He just has to throw MA under the bus.

"Yes, we implemented a similar program in MA. Currently, it's bankrupting the state of MA. Our projections were wrong, and we underestimated the costs of implementing a plan - which is what is happening on a larger level nationwide.

We must take back what has been passed, and find something that actually works. And speaking of finding something that works, we need jobs for everyone to get our economy back on track!"

Only shot he has of turning it around and gaining traction from it.
Seems to me the Dems controlled the MA House/Senate at the time. I don't believe it was Romney's idea, but he did sign it. I don't think he ever totally embraced it, even while in office.
Seems to me the Dems controlled the MA House/Senate at the time. I don't believe it was Romney's idea, but he did sign it. I don't think he ever totally embraced it, even while in office.

"Asked by Newsweek's Andrew Romano to explain the difference between the plans, Romney said, "I can't think of a great metaphor. Maybe Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: They both have two arms and two legs, but they're very different creatures." Unfortunately, Jekyll and Hyde is exactly the metaphor that comes to mind for many conservatives listening as Romney defends his plan but attacks Obama's."

Romneycare's Fatal Flaw - CBS News
Would Romney really beat Obama in a general election? Is this confused man that looks good on TV really a winner?
Would Romney really beat Obama in a general election? Is this confused man that looks good on TV really a winner?

I'm not sure it makes any difference.

Until people take the time to agitate from the ground up, nothing will change. How many even know who their Congressperson is? State Senator? State Representative? When was the last time you contacted them on an issue? Sh*t, only about half the folks eligible even vote!

Americans on the whole are lazy and stupid, and the government is the ultimate reflection.