We need a Baltimore Life contract for Tele-Sales. . .

He highest you can go without over 250k production is 115%. You can get that anywhere.

But, why do you want to write with Balt Life?

I've been offered more already - but, thanks . . .

BL has a simple tele-sales process. I need to replace a carrier and BL prices out better than some others . . .
You mean you have already lost a carrier and haven't even started.??

No - just decided one wasnt a good fit after trying their tele-sales process yesterday. Rates were okay - but higher than LBL and SL 50% of the time - so, not worth using.
Who has an attractive deal?

Balt is basically a waste of time in the sense you don't get paid till the client pays there first premium payment. With a tele-sales operation you need cash flow. Just get Foresters and RNA. MOO if you get someone who has email and you need a low price. Just focus on 1 or 2 companies that's it.