What year did agents start using DM


1000 Post Club
I am doing some research for a marketing idea. Does anyone know about when agents began running DM leads for FE?

To my knowledge, DM pieces for FE evolved from what used to be inserts included in local newspapers. Not positive on what year(s) the transition from newspapers to USPS took place as it was before my time, but I can hook you with some of the guys who ushered in the transition if you want to talk to them.
The first time I noticed the type that is used today was in 1998. But I just never paid any attention before that.

I remember the first time I saw one. I thought What kind of person would mail that thing in?
I think I started using them in about 1994 or 5. Man, those were the days! 2% returns was the norm. One time I dropped 1,000 pieces and got back 96 responses!