Why Not..

Thanks,Todd. I asked because JD once said he wrote a "policy on himself" to reach his 10K mo

I'll research 'controlled' insurance policies-appreciate it.

His annual premium would count towards his total production, but that doesn't have anything to do with whether he was advanced or not.
I write business honestly and ethically, and as a result almost all my incoming business is either returning customers, or referrals.

You want to basically trick the carrier into giving you money when you haven't actually made a true sale, so you can buy advertising.

Who is the coward?

It's scammy little tactics like that giving honest, ethical, up front people like me a bad name.

No where did I, or would I, "TRICK" anyone - family, friend or even FOE(YOU!) into buying anything.

My question was based on strategically and ETHICALLY finding a way to fund a direct mail campaign--period.

YOU - based on your judgement and jumping to a conclusion of writing a shady deal, is a direct reflection of your way of thinking NOT mine!

When I enter the Insurance Industry - I pledge on my kids, mom, Grandmas, and most importantly, G-D .. I WILL NOT "DUPE" ANYONE INTO BUYING A POLICY - EVER!

When I was selling Yellow Page Advertising - I NEVER, EVER wrote bad business-EVER!

RIP me for not getting in for the last 1.5 yrs. RIP me for not understanding the business. RIP me for being ignorant. But YOU CAN NOT QUESTION MY INTEGRITY!

As far as I'm concerned, you're an azzhole. You are a coward who will make these claims hiding behind a computer.

I am not convinced you're a honest person. If you were, you would not jump to a crooked conclusion based on a honest question.

Are you related to CROOKED HILLARY?
I don't think he is confident in his ability to sell insurance. That's why he still hasn't started after "researching" for 1 1/2 years.

I will accept this..

Spinal surgery, lupus,hip surgery, knee replacements - chronic illness of parents who I have to be beside is also a barrier to make the leap.

But, "life" does happen and ultimately it is my fear of making the leap.
I will accept this..

Spinal surgery, lupus,hip surgery, knee replacements - chronic illness of parents who I have to be beside is also a barrier to make the leap.

But, "life" does happen and ultimately it is my fear of making the leap.
Wow, that's a lot to deal with Nu. Makes me feel bad about giving you a hard time, but I didn't know about all of those distractions.

I hope you'll accept my apology and I wish you good luck!!! :yes: