An Interview with JD Easy

We stop learning until we die. It will always prove itself helpful to listen and learn from others. While everything in this interview is not for everyone, there are bits and pieces of wisdom in approach to all aspects of the protection process that really provide some great insight in actually closing a sale. Business that sticks! Surely, one should customize and modify the presentation(s) to his/her true self. Once again, thanks guys for this interview.
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The word "never" was purposefully left out of the first sentence above. WE NEVER STOP LEARNING UNTIL WE DIE! And , then, and only we need a funeral director.
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I didn't know that your screen name was "JD-EASY", I thought that your name was "J-DEASY".

It actaully comes from my days of horseshowing. When I first got on line around 1999 I was mainly just going to UK basketball sites and horseshow websites.

I registered at most as JD & EZ, my initials and my horse, "Easy". That's his barn name and what he was known as at the shows. He is a registered quarter horse and I didn't care for his registered name of "Chrome Track". The people that had him before me called him CT and I didn't like that either.

Some sites won't let you use the & as part of the name so it was jdeasy at those.

Easy is retired and living the good life now but the name still sticks.
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Challenge accepted! I would be more than happy to help you get your methods on tape and post it right underneath JD's audios. No need to tell him how bad he is when you can easily prove it!

Oh Snap! OK FD time to put up. I believe Newby's offer is genuine.

I for one would like to hear several of you guys. There is some real talent on this forum.
I can't believe that so many of you think this is good. The only good is that it proves to beginners that if this guy can sell this stuff, anybody can. The approach is lousy. The presentation is a price quote full of insurance jargon. When I hear a ten-cent pitch like this, I'm ashamed to be in this industry. Where the hell is the sales training? You want to duplicate his performance? Leave school in the fourth grade, cram your mouth full of jerky and chew and get on the phone...
Sounds like you have the incurable disease commonly known as "Short Man Syndrome". The symptoms include derrogatory remarks aimed at others in order to subconciously overcome the disadvantage of small stature OR a small tallywhacker.
You want to duplicate his performance? Leave school in the fourth grade, cram your mouth full of jerky and chew and get on the phone...
Do yourself a favor and Google something called "Law of Requisite Variety" - you might learn something.

While probably not effective in Northern California or South Florida, in Kentucky/Southern Indiana/Tennessee (where JD works) it's obviously pretty effective.

He's got the track record to prove it.
I hope it's of value to Newby and to anyone else. It's not me telling anyone how to do FE. It's me telling how I do FE.

It was definitely of value to me- The listen really picked up my Sunday in terms of motivation and know how. Thank you both so much for sharing
While probably not effective in Northern California or South Florida, in Kentucky/Southern Indiana/Tennessee (where JD works) it's obviously pretty effective..[/quote]

Just out of curiosity, why do you think that it wouldn't work in some areas? I can understand that it may not work with some clients, (like those too impatient to listen to a presentation, or maybe the more affluent client), but I feel fairly certain that it would work in NY, NJ. where I'm most familiar with.
I can't believe that so many of you think this is good. The only good is that it proves to beginners that if this guy can sell this stuff, anybody can. The approach is lousy. The presentation is a price quote full of insurance jargon. When I hear a ten-cent pitch like this, I'm ashamed to be in this industry. Where the hell is the sales training? You want to duplicate his performance? Leave school in the fourth grade, cram your mouth full of jerky and chew and get on the phone...

In the past I have given you the benefit of a doubt. However, this statement by you pretty much confirms you really are a jerk. JD and Newby shouldn't make anybody ashamed to be in this industry but the fact someone contracted you must certainly give more than a few reason for pause.
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The sales presentation comes from John Savage's four question presetation to sell life insurance. Its traditional and still works. Its used a lot over at the tpg forums...

I don't know where it came from. I have never claimed it to be mine. In fact, nothing I do is original and has come from bits and pieces from many mentors over the years.

I believe i first got the "4 questions" from Phillip Hudgens at NAA. Might have been someone else?

I have seen it used at other places. So, if there was implication that it was my creation please understand that is not the case.