Blogs Blogs Blogs

Not knowing anything about this, let's say I committed to running a blog and writing content on a regular basis (daily?), how would you go about converting it into leads?

Matt, it's important NOT to confuse this type of stuff with traditional media/ don't convert it, you attract it.

Here's an example:

If you are blogging/writing good (educational, NOT "salesy") content, announce it with a press release (you can do it yourself easily via email) to every daily/weekly newspaper in Minnesota.

If you stay with it on a consistent basis, it builds momentum. Pretty soon someone is quoting you as a Minnesota health insurance (or whatever) EXPERT. People will find you.

Have you called the folks that write on such issues in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, or St. Paul Pioneer-Press to have lunch, and offer your expertise on these issues? What about

Ya gotta eat, don't you?
A side effect of blogging is recognition. Since I started I have been interviewed by Business Week, HIU (Health Insurance Underwriter) and the Wall St Journal. My comments were published in HIU and WSJ and are now part of my "portfolio" to build credibility with clients.
If you stay with it on a consistent basis, it builds momentum. Pretty soon someone is quoting you as a Minnesota health insurance (or whatever) EXPERT. People will find you.

Have you called the folks that write on such issues in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, or St. Paul Pioneer-Press to have lunch, and offer your expertise on these issues? What about

Yes I do have to eat (although I should eat less)! Thanks for the insight Paul.
Anybody know how I can get my site on the first page of Google for California Health Insurance?

It depends on which search engine you are targeting as to how you would do this. Each search engine has its own criteria that they use to rank site pages and how important they are in relation to the search query sent.

Also, everyone should note that Google uses something called "personalized search", where for a search query, Google will show you the most relevant sites that you have visited in the past (kind of creepy!) so the results can be different for each person. Google also uses several data centers around the world and depending on your geographic location, you can be pulling up search results that are completely different from someone elses when submitting the exact same search query.

The traffic from blogging is not usually considered great traffic for converting to sales in my experience. People use Google more for shopping and finding info fast but traffic from other search engines converts to sales much better than the traffic from Google does.
So Dave74 - getting on the first page for "California Health Insurance" is doable - but you'd definately need to hire someone who knows what they're doing. Are you willing to pay for it? I can imagine that doing PPC for that keyword would be ridiculously expensive.

Delta76 - I would say that the best way to convert a blog into leads is to make sure that average people/customers understand what you're talking about. I would highly recommend getting a non-insurance person to read your posts to make sure they think that it's interesting and that they can understand it. A lot of professionals write about stuff that interests them and although they might have a great knowledge-base on the subject, no one knows what the hell they're talking about.

MarkinGriffin - that keyword is really cool, but does it actually help you? I mean i'm sure it gets you clicks, but are people going to your website actually in the state you can write in, or even looking for insurance?

And maybe someone could answer this for me, but I've always wondered why agents write blogs for 'other agents'. I mean, what good does it do? It's not like the agents are ever going to give you business. Maybe I'm just missing something here, but it doesn't make sense to me!
So are you guys getting leads from your blog or are you directing traffic to another site?
Any lead can be a good lead. A lead is a lead if it comes from an insurance related site or a sign on the road.

Blogging can be a great outlet for anyone but you can also run the risk of offending people too (which can actually be fun). I usually get about 10-20 leads a day from my sites and none come from the blogs.