Brag on SpurCity Thread!

Thanx for the kind words JD and everyone. I won't be anywhere close to that in 2016. Wanted to see what was possible but It was an exhausting year.

Hope everyone had a good year and has an even better 2016.

And congrats to JD on the best year of his career!

Yeah but........ think of all the money that he had to spend on leads! And fuel, my god that had to be a ton of fuel, that guy's probably on food stamps after you subtract the fuel. And what about chargebacks? If you write half-a-mil, the chargebacks have to be horrendous! I mean really, who would want to receive 500k if they were going to have to turn around and give 75k back to the company? That's ONLY 425 THOUSAND in his pocket after chargebacks. I mean really, is it even worth it, or is this just one of those dirty little secrets of final expense?
I learned yesterday that my man Spur wrote over $500K in person production this year.

That is beyond awesome!!:yes:


Extremely impressive.

All those that wonder what it takes to make it, he do 10% of what he does
Yeah but........ think of all the money that he had to spend on leads! And fuel, my god that had to be a ton of fuel, that guy's probably on food stamps after you subtract the fuel. And what about chargebacks? If you write half-a-mil, the chargebacks have to be horrendous! I mean really, who would want to receive 500k if they were going to have to turn around and give 75k back to the company? That's ONLY 425 THOUSAND in his pocket after chargebacks. I mean really, is it even worth it, or is this just one of those dirty little secrets of final expense?

In all seriousness, Congrats to you Spur! That is F'in Phenomenal!!! Those kind of numbers take a relentless approach to be on the grind each and every day.

I only know of one other FE agent that has hit 500k, and he went to jail for his efforts, so that doesn't really count!
Thanx for the kind words JD and everyone. I won't be anywhere close to that in 2016. Wanted to see what was possible but It was an exhausting year.

Hope everyone had a good year and has an even better 2016.

And congrats to JD on the best year of his career!



Did you set a goal for the year? If so what was it. I am assuming it was well below 500k.

Point is you kept pushing even after your weekly goals were hit
Spur is for sure the real deal and he does it all with a smile every single day. He also does it while training and mentoring several other agents that while I don't know if they will ever surpass him they are for sure nipping as his heals. Spur plus his top 5 is pushing 1.5MM for sure.

One of the other cool things is that it's not like he's a headhunter. Average AP is right there with everyone else and persistency if great as well.

A hell of a job is a understatement to say the least.
Spur, Did you set a goal for the year? If so what was it. I am assuming it was well below 500k. Point is you kept pushing even after your weekly goals were hit

I met up with Agentguy5 "SNOOP" and Benny "The BULL" in Mississippi in 2014 to do a blitz. After great conversations and a few days of competing with those guys I made a decision to go all-out from that point forward. Being around guys like that can spark great action. I started to hit 40K a months on a regular basis after that.

2015 my goal was to do more than 400K.