Brag on SpurCity Thread!

Wow! 10k each and every week for a whole year. Like a hall of fame pitcher with 300 wins (15/20 win seasons) or a 3000 hits hitter. That's 15 seasons of 200 hits. These are all mind boggling stats. I don't know much of how Spur operates, but one thing that screams loud and clear is his attitude. Sounds like Spur never had a bad day in his life and that goes a long way.:yes:

Oh, I'll bet he had more than few bad days.. But like most top hitters, he didn't dwell on them. He just dusted himself off and moved forward.
25k but can be moved up to 35k. Heard some say you can have it removed?

Yes, there has to be a way to have it removed, I know too many dumb and ignorant agents who have actually won their trip. And one in particular who was broker than was her go to carrier, so I know it can be removed, this lady couldnt balance on one leg much less her checkbook.:)
Matt, that is awesome! This is the kind of stuff I like to read/hear about on this forum. The amount of effort and time that must have gone into all that...just amazes me.

I didn't know Foresters is doing a trip this year. I was told my Foresters that they weren't doing one. Did I hear wrong?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I must say I am floored by all the support shown by all of my fellow colleagues in this thread. And to see it also coming from agents from other IMO's in this ultra competitive environment is quite impressive. I really do appreciate all the kind words and wish everyone a prosperous 2016.

Yeah but........ think of all the money that he had to spend on leads! And fuel, my god that had to be a ton of fuel, that guy's probably on food stamps after you subtract the fuel. And what about chargebacks? If you write half-a-mil, the chargebacks have to be horrendous! I mean really, who would want to receive 500k if they were going to have to turn around and give 75k back to the company? That's ONLY 425 THOUSAND in his pocket after chargebacks. I mean really, is it even worth it, or is this just one of those dirty little secrets of final expense?

I have been trying to tell these guys the same thing on here for years. Why do that when you can work from home in pajama pants doing Tele-sales!!! :)

That is an awesome year Spur!
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