Brag on SpurCity Thread!

I have been trying to tell these guys the same thing on here for years. Why do that when you can work from home in pajama pants doing Tele-sales!!! :)

That is an awesome year Spur!

Spur had as awesome year but you can still pull big numbers doing telesales if you have the right training and dedication.
The one thing that has not been mentioned regarding Matt's production in this thread is how much business he has given away to other agents.

Add those numbers into the final tally and the production numbers become even more impressive.
I wonder what the appointment setter banked, hopefully at least 10k and a couple yummy tacos.
Spur is the Highest producing FE agent that I have ever met.

The crazy thing is that he also has one of the highest PPL in the business and is living proof that you really can do anything that you put your mind to.

Congrats Matt, on an amazing year, and I look forward to hanging with you and the wives in Thailand!
Just wondering how much help if any do you get with your service work? Also what is the total population of the area that you work? Oh one last thing, is there anything you do special that you would share to get your ppl up there?

Thanks and Congrats on a great year!
Who has pulled in awesome numbers, and how much are you talking? I'm talking about an agent, not the guy who owns the call center.

I can't hang in the 500k ring not yet atleast, but I know I have written 115k total this year solely over the phone with the goal of doubling that next year now that I have aligned with a better imo to help me reach that goal
Spur is the Highest producing FE agent that I have ever met.

The crazy thing is that he also has one of the highest PPL in the business and is living proof that you really can do anything that you put your mind to.

Congrats Matt, on an amazing year, and I look forward to hanging with you and the wives in Thailand!

That's a good point. Going on a 45 lead per week average, {and that might be high?}, his PPL would be around $215. That is an excellent PPL. Especially for someone doing that much volume.

So, good on him for that too!!:yes: