Captive vs Indy

I would gladly take a reduction in income for a reduction in stress. Additionally, I love selling but hate running a business, ie negotiating carrier contracts, handling payroll for employees(all 2 of us), dealing with leases on offices....I could go on and on. I just want to sell. Ive called some GA's and its the same bull!@*&. They say yeah you can make this much here, I go and meet with em and its a total joke...Which is why Im asking on this forum.
Wow, you'll fit right in here. I made $695,000 last year and 2/3 of that was in profit. I have no idea where to make that kind of money captive.

Moonlight made $795K last year and Somarco made $796K.

Good luck.

I'm in NC also. If you really make this kind of income I would like to find out more. Product(s),etc.,etc.
I love selling but hate running a business,

You seem to think being captive relieves you of BS.

All you are doing is swapping one form of BS for another.

You never addressed the Argentine mistress question.
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Paul and I give Bill all the stuff we don't have time to write.
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The last time I worked for someone else, the boss looked at his watch as I came in at 9:00 am and gave me a dirty look since 8:30 was more what they expected. I have never worked for someone else since and have never looked back.

I will put up with my BS of payroll and overhead any day compared to putting up with someone telling me what to do and how they want it done. I put in 12 hour days frequently, but if I want to walk in at 7:00, 10:00, or not at all, that is entirely up to me.

As for income, I know lots of agents and without exception the ones that pull in big dollars are independent.

Someone who is really good at sales can make a lot of money anywhere. However, I don't personally know of any captive agents who make what I make. If someone wants to do things the way the company wants it done and offer only what the company has to offer, then that is fine. But forget innovation and forget always looking for the bigger and better.

I venture to guess that there are very few captive agents who frequent this forum. Why? Just what I said about innovation and always looking to learn.
Captives are looking for a regular paycheck, not the ability to maximize their earnings based on effort.