Captive vs Indy

Frank, do you get goat milk from your herd? I never tried t, but it is supposed to be healthy and tasteful from what I have heard

Nope. Our goats are South African Boer goats. The are meat goats.

Couldn't imagine getting up early every day and milking then doing it again in the evening. That sounds like more work than selling insurance.
Pm me and I will buy you a steak dinner at the sissler and we will talk about it.

I've already responded about this in other threads. But the only people I know making money in PPL are doing it full time. Most insurance agents I know don't make money in it because they use it as an ancillary product. Since PPL is not their main focus they usually have tapped the client out financially on the insurance end with higher commissioned products like life insurance, disability, dental, health. Things the clients actually want and ask for and don't have to be educated into a product they've never used. I can safely assume that 99.9(% of the people getting into PPL will come nowhere close to 150k a year their first year.
I wouldn't even have a beer with someone only making $150K a year. Some of us have standards.

Funny story. Somarco asked me to join him for dinner. After he sent me a copy of his 2008 tax return I realized that the only place he could afford was McDonalds. And I doubt he could have paid to supersize my dinner. I passed.
