Captive vs Indy

I would gladly take a reduction in income for a reduction in stress. Additionally, I love selling but hate running a business, ie negotiating carrier contracts, handling payroll for employees(all 2 of us), dealing with leases on offices....I could go on and on. I just want to sell. Ive called some GA's and its the same bull!@*&. They say yeah you can make this much here, I go and meet with em and its a total joke...Which is why Im asking on this forum.

Hire someone to do the stuff you don't want to do. Sorry for posting since I do not qualify.
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I would gladly take a reduction in income for a reduction in stress. Additionally, I love selling but hate running a business, ie negotiating carrier contracts, handling payroll for employees(all 2 of us), dealing with leases on offices....I could go on and on. I just want to sell. Ive called some GA's and its the same bull!@*&. They say yeah you can make this much here, I go and meet with em and its a total joke...Which is why Im asking on this forum.

I'll sign you up as a captive agent under me. You will still have the same production requirements as you've been doing, but you have to give me 50% of all your commission. With that I'll negotiate the carrier contracts, handle writing you a check each week, and give you office space. Sound like a fair plan? LOL

Seriously have you ever thought about just hiring an assistant to do the crap that you don't like?

I did make over that amount last year, but it wasn't in insurance. I'd like to make that much in insurance, but first year getting back into it and as captive? I'm a little more realistic in saying it probably isn't going to happen. If you really want to make over 150k a year I can hook you up with my last employer. You will have to work out of the country though for a year. There is plenty of sandy beach there too. Ummm just no water.

By the way the income in here is inversely proportional to the number of posts. The more I post, the less time I spend selling, and make less.
I never got a paycheck when I was captive. It is commission based, but you share part of it with your master.

If you want less pressure and be even more independent; get rid of your office and staff, and work by appt only. I make more than I ever did with a staff and a formal office.
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We need to talk. My fiancee really wants a pet goat and I have no clue how to take care of one.

Goats are a lot easier to take care of than a fiancee. Less expensive also. However, the rewards are not as great. At least they shouldn't be. :D

A single goat does not do well. They are herd animals and will be a lot better if you have two or more. (That is a big deal.)

Regardless of what people think they do not eat "everything". They are somewhat picky about the grass they eat and did not eat any of my empty Budweiser cans.

You will have to have a supply of hay in the winter year round I feed MFA 14% goat feed. About 2 pounds of it a day per goat. A protein and mineral block. But, I raise registered goats for show and breeding. They can get by without the MFA feed but they will not look as good.

They don't like the rain or snow. It would be best if you have some kind of shelter for them during crappy weather. Closed in on at least three sides with the open side facing south.

Once a year they need a CDT shot and periodic worming. Parasites can be a big problem if not kept in check. Their hoofs have to be kept trimmed. It's not too hard you just have to be careful not to cut them too close. If you live in the country there is probably someone you can pay to do it for you. That is what I do.

Call me if you would like more info.