Door Knockers

What is the crank call idea?
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I am in NC and I am a White Female. Do you think that it will be ok for me to DK first before calling. I am new to this business and I am used to selling P & C insurnce over the phone.

Sure it's ok. I DK all of them. Those that I can't get after a few tries, I call and try to set an appt. There are many experts here that would disagree with me as this is admittedly a very inefficient means of doing business. However, you can burn a bunch of leads on the phone if you haven't honed your skill.

You sound like you're pretty confident on the phone though, so it may be a better fit for you.
Call the lead with *67 so they won't see your # on called ID. If they answer hang up (crank call) and just go to their house.

If you want to throw them off and make sure they don't connect the call with your door knock just do some heavy breathing before hanging up...Side benefit you can allude to some people have stalkers and sometimes they escelate.
Yes I fill knock on doors for 120 percent commission
So if I am going to camp out until Mr.or Mrs.
John q Senior and say you mailed this card in
Lets spend 10 minutes on the information..
If you want to throw them off and make sure they don't connect the call with your door knock just do some heavy breathing before hanging up...Side benefit you can allude to some people have stalkers and sometimes they escelate.

Or say "You're gonna die soon! Hahahaha hahahaha!"

Wait, on second thought, that might give you away lol.
Do you guys ever say, "No obligation to buy," to get you in the door? Or, does that just make them think about, not buying?
Do you guys ever say, "No obligation to buy," to get you in the door? Or, does that just make them think about, not buying?

I prefer, "I'm just trying to get you the information, what you do with it is up to you."
That sounds a lot better. Doesn't sound like the "typical salesman line." Thanks.

A lot better than "no obligation to buy". Often a subtle change in wording can make a huge difference.
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