Door Knockers

That sounds a lot better. Doesn't sound like the "typical salesman line." Thanks.

It's also in how you say it. I use a similar line with setting appts over the phone. " just takes about 5 min to go over the information with you, do morn or afternoons work better for you?"

Make it sound like your just some 9-5 shlub trying to get his job done.
When I first introduce myself at the door, I throw in the words, 'state approved' I then tell them that I am licensed by the state, and my job is to see what you qualify for, and give you the proper information.
I doorknocked one early last week while they were cutting the grass and piddling around in the garage.

I just asked them for an appointment later that week.

Don't let the time of day, the size of the house, or other such stuff build a case for you not to call on them. I know that I have to constantly remind myself not to be discouraged from not making calls for whatever reason, as it's a weakness for myself.

Do you always ask for an appointment or do you try to get in on first stop?