EFES Tele Leads Feedback

I normally order a batch of 25 leads every three weeks or so. I work an area for 3 to 6 months until I start getting duplications and then I go to a different area. I usually travel a couple hours one way from my home in Lansing.

I can get all of my 25 at once or break them up into 2 or three batches over a week or so.

I get my leads at PHR Insurance.. If you need any info from them google it and send an email to John. He is a straight shooter. They do offer several different types of leads including DM, TM and live leads. They all work but I prefer the TM leads because of freshness.
I have been using EFES tele-leads for a few months. They were pretty bad in the beginning (at least half were folks not interested) and I have constantly provided feedback and suggestions on how to improve the process. I have seen a lot of improvement in the last few weeks. Tele-leads are new to EFES so you need to provide feedback on your leads or they won't improve and you will hate them. I provide feedback every week and demand credit on poor leads. So far, they are listening.

I am fairly new to EFES but can say I am now having more success with my new tele-leads than DM leads (for now). I'm sure there will be bad weeks but I like the mix of both lead types.
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I normally order a batch of 25 leads every three weeks or so. I work an area for 3 to 6 months until I start getting duplications and then I go to a different area. I usually travel a couple hours one way from my home in Lansing.

I can get all of my 25 at once or break them up into 2 or three batches over a week or so.

I get my leads at PHR Insurance.. If you need any info from them google it and send an email to John. He is a straight shooter. They do offer several different types of leads including DM, TM and live leads. They all work but I prefer the TM leads because of freshness.

Cool thx... I believe I talked to John once awhile back, they only provide leads to their contracted agents I believe.
I have been using EFES tele-leads for a few months. They were pretty bad in the beginning (at least half were folks not interested)

You better demand that they be good leads, every-time, all-the-time!!! When you figure that you are giving up a minimum 20% 1st year and 5% renewals for them. That's not even including the up front money they charge your card for. Especially when the up front cost is the same, or even more, than what you can purchase from another vendor that offers equal quality at minimum as the ones you're using.
The secret of making telemarketed leads work is really no secret at all. You should see 100% of the leads you receive. If you can't get them on the phone, then door knock. Or simply door knock them all. The person who sees more people sells more insurance. Listen to NFL, he is one of my most consistent producers and it's not because he's getting all the "good" leads. He just works them better than most. And if you're willing to work them then they really beat the ROI on direct mail leads.

We have actually split off our lead business and are now providing leads to the general agent public. Not at the reduced price we offer our agents, but at a much better price than we've seen from others. Lead availability is subject to data availability so territories are limited and honestly, the agents that work with my IMO receive preference for territory, but the leads are exclusive and it's a big country out there with plenty or room. If you're interested check out our site www.qleadsolutions.com. We produce quality leads and all the info is there.

I'm not just trying to promote my leads. I've been watching this thread and just have to say that there are such things as good telemarketed leads. And again, when you compare them to the cost involved in direct mail, they are pretty compelling. Will I say they are as good as direct mail? No. If I could only have a single lead, I'd rather have a direct mail lead. But compared to $420+/1000 for mail drop (retail) and crossing your fingers waiting two weeks for a return versus $15 and when you order 20 you get 20... Like I said, compelling.

But again, if all you're doing is calling to set appointments and hoping for the lay down, whether you're working tele-leads or direct mail, YOU ARE wasting your money. You paid for them. See them all.

That's it for my shameless self promotion. Plan your work and work your plan!
^^I'm going to echo what John said there. This thread was about the EFES teleleads and became about teleleads in general.

They are not all created equal. I don't know John personally. Just by reputation and that reputation is sterling.

If I were going to try some teleleads again then he would be my first call.
^^I'm going to echo what John said there. This thread was about the EFES teleleads and became about teleleads in general.

They are not all created equal. I don't know John personally. Just by reputation and that reputation is sterling.

If I were going to try some teleleads again then he would be my first call.

I would order leads from him. I'm sure they are better than digs and you don't have to put up with the small man syndrome. :laugh: