Facebook v DM......

I tried DM and it didn't work for me. No problem getting 20 a week. Over half of them were under age 60. Couldn't make contact. Called and door knocked. Even hired an appointment setter and she quit too. Lapses were much higher with DM.

Now using FB leads. I call, text and e-mail each one. The majority are not contacted until I door knock. Selling 20% plus of the leads just like I did with TM and DM. Ì think FB leads are as good as any. Most people don't know if you are there because of an online inquiry or from a card they sent in. At least with FB don't have near as many deny responding like you do with DM.
FB leads are akin to the old health insurance leads back in the mid 2000's.......you better get on them as soon as they come in. I remember Netquote days :(

All my non-referral leads are internet generated, including some from FB. I never call when they first come in.

Didn't do that in NQ days either.

Are FB leads more inclined to want to do everything over the phone than a physical appointment?

Is that a problem?
All my non-referral leads are internet generated, including some from FB. I never call when they first come in.

Didn't do that in NQ days either.

Is that a problem?

You must be a legend then :)

The NQ days were a scramble. First to get them to answer usually won (at least that was my experience anyway)

They seem to be an "internet lead" but not in the traditional sense i.e. search driven.

No. Never said it was a problem. Since I'm being hounded daily to buy these things I wanted to gauge opinion on them.

I've never found lead vendors to be "reliable" with their opinions on the leads they are selling. Better to go to those that are using them for an assessment.

DM is my trusted source. At least for now. But you never know how things change.
Not a legend, just always played by MY rules.

It was a long play.

Internet leads were good early in the game. Net Quote was a short run for me. Might have used them for a month before pulling the plug. As I recall I turned a small profit.

Hometown Quotes was my most consistent vendor for a few years. Had a few others that worked for a few months before they faded.

Tried other lead sources but always got the best ROI from the internet. Still true now. Just have to play the game differently from the early days.

Still don't call as soon as the lead comes in.
I don't know any FE guys or gals that are consistently turning a profit off of internet leads. That's why these FB leads piqued my interest.

I'm still getting enough from DM so no need for me to tinker with anything at this stage.
I don't know any FE guys or gals that are consistently turning a profit off of internet leads. That's why these FB leads piqued my interest.

I'm still getting enough from DM so no need for me to tinker with anything at this stage.
Majority of the top producing FE telesales guys use internet leads lol, but they generate them not buy them.
Seem to be getting a lot of solicitations for Facebook leads recently, with varying prices.

Are they any good? How do they compare to DM? Thoughts?

Naturally those selling them say they are the best thing since sliced bread :)

Wouldn't this just be another form of internet lead?

Are they better suited to online/phone sales than belly to belly?

DM seems to be getting tougher for returns. Or at least the language they are using on the cards is kind of suspect.
I think buying them from a majority of the lead vendors is trash because most of them have no clue what there doing, but i generate my own for 4-6 dollars a lead and close them fine whenever i do generate them lol.
A lot of my agents that can afford to be on the Direct Mail lead program yet have tried several of the Facebook lead vendors

The feedback is, in short yes they vary but in general the better half is just okay in the worser half completely sucks.

I have had a couple of those agents go through jeromy kovatana on my recommendation from the word on the street . they said the quality was significantly better.

But make no mistake Direct Mail is still King I run 20 leads a week and I'm able to hit anywhere between 4 and 10000 in AP in 2-3 days because of the direct mail lead.

How many leads do you buy each week to run 20?