FE Telesales

How much does it cost to get started with Dan Roberts final expense telesales? I read on another site that his phone platform is 250$ a month and he wants 600$ upfront.Leads are free. Anyone ever work for him ?. Sounds like what Im looking for.



Todd's outfit would probably be a better option for you however as some on here have mentioned, if you don't have experience selling over the phone or in the field, unless you're in a call center environment, the odds aren't in your favor that you will have success with fe telesales.
Yes you go to 1st Option Insurance. They will give you a free website and you can sale over the phone and market the website. Great Commissions as well
Go to finalexpenseinaday.com and fill out the form on the bottom where is say Licensed agents. or just click here finalexpenseinaday. com/agents
Yes sale over the phone or just market the free final expense website.

No sir, you missed the joke. You used the wrong word in your original post that M&M quoted. You said sale...should've been sell. I posted links to the Webster dictionary for everyone last week...
Most of "those" people make up the future F.E. customer base.

I wish you were correct...sadly a lot of highly...er um...somewhat educated people mess these things up all the time. What's truly sad, is that the people I was talking about are actively reading this board and selling insurance. :no: