Goodbye American Memorial

That's shocking based on their monstrous premiums. How can Gerber make money being 50% cheaper and ngl can't?Do you know when their getting rid of?
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Gerber makes money on all the babyfood they sell.


I always thought it was odd that a food manufacturer decided to get into the life insurance business. But with $33 billion in force spread over almost 3 million policies, I'd say it was a brilliant idea.:yes:
That's shocking based on their monstrous premiums. How can Gerber make money being 50% cheaper and ngl can't?Do you know when their getting rid of?

Their main product is their GI funeral pre-need insurance that funeral homes sell. The premiums on that are way higher.
True I called the company today. I've written s few for the simple reason they had the best chargeback in the game till GW came around. The guy said they're stepping back to possibly revamp the product as it hasn't done well but he's heard nothing of them discontinuing it. He said that's why they're contracting nobody new at this time.The rep said the credit card business was terrible.
Ive replace about 10 American Memorials this year. Id wager from memory that at least 75% of them were clean sheeted.
Let me guess... agents were out of Lagrange georgia? Securus?

Ding Ding Ding, ask Gooner about them too LOL:D I did replace one is Savannah GA earlier this year too, poor lady....saved her $40 month, thank goodness she had only been in it one month, from what I gather it was a special product developed just for Securus.
Ding Ding Ding, ask Gooner about them too LOL:D I did replace one is Savannah GA earlier this year too, poor lady....saved her $40 month, thank goodness she had only been in it one month, from what I gather it was a special product developed just for Securus.

I haven't seen much of their junk peddled up here in North Georgia for a while; I suppose the inventory has lessened in size over the past year or two.

Not to mention they like to clean-sheet (and American Memorial likes to accept it clean-sheeted).
I'm not sure if the Secrus version is going away. The independent version definitely is.